
Banstead, Epsom, Dorking and Leatherhead bus timetables

Below are the bus routes in number order for the Dorking, Leatherhead, Epsom and Banstead areas including Ashtead, Bookham, Brockham, Capel, Ewell, Holmwood, Mickleham, Tadworth, Westcott and surrounding areas.

Services are operated with low-floor fully-accessible buses, unless stated. For services marked "wheelchair-accessible vehicle", wheelchairs may be loaded by means of a lift. For services marked "not fully-accessible", advance contact should be made with the operator before travelling with a wheelchair, to allow arrangements to be made.

For the most up to date information on planned changes to bus services, please visit our forthcoming bus timetable changes web page.

For information on bus services that have been affected by roadworks, please visit our temporary changes to bus services web page.

For advice on bus services during periods of bad weather, please visit our bus service disruption due to to bad weather web page.

For information on buses that serve or go near schools, please visit our local bus services to schools web page.

For information on buses that go to hospitals, please visit our hospital transport web page.

For information on buses that go to airports, please visit our bus services to airports web page.

Bus services


These maps are only provided as a general guide to services and actual services and routes may differ to those shown. You should check any bus routes with the operator before travelling.

C2, E5, E9, E10, E16, S1 and S2

Bus service number and timetable Bus operator Route location

C2 Cobham Chatterbus

East 中国P站 Rural Transport Partnership

Leatherhead, Fetcham/Oxshott, Cobham, Brooklands Tesco and Weybridge


Falcon Buses

Langley Vale, Epsom, Ewell and Watersedge



Epsom, Manor Park, Livingstone Park, Clarendon Park



Epsom Station to Manor Park and Noble Park


Falcon Buses

Epsom, Ewell, Stoneleigh, Worcester Park


Go-Ahead London

Banstead, Sutton, St Helier Hospital, Beddington Corner and Mitcham

S2 Go-Ahead London

Epsom, Ewell, Cheam, Sutton and St. Helier Hospital

Services 21 to 318

Bus service number and timetable Bus operator Route location



Epsom, Leatherhead, Headley, Box Hill, Dorking, Holmwood, Beare Green, Newdigate, Charlwood, Crawley



Shere, Abinger Hammer, Holmbury St Mary, Abinger Common, Westcott, Dorking, Chart Downs, Leigh, Charlwood, Horley, Gatwick, Crawley


Buses 4U (Wheelchair accessible vehicle)

Cranleigh/Forest Green, Ewhurst, Walliswood, Oakwoodhill, Ockley, Warnham, Broadbridge Heath and Horsham


Compass Bus / Metrobus

Redhill, Earlswood, Meadvale, Reigate, Betchworth, Strood Green, Brockham, Dorking, Westcott, Gomshall, Shere, Albury, Chilworth and Guildford



Horsham, Capel, Beare Green, Holmwood, Goodwyns and Dorking


Arriva London

Epsom, Banstead, Chipstead Valley, Purley and Croydon


London United

Epsom, Ewell, North Cheam and Morden



Epsom, Tattenham Corner, Nork, Banstead and Burgh Heath

Services 406 to 522

Bus service number and timetable Bus operator Route location


London United

Epsom, Ewell, Tolworth, Surbiton and Kingston


Falcon Buses

Chipstead Valley, Woodmansterne, Banstead, Drift Bridge, Epsom, Ashtead, Leatherhead, Woodbridge, Oxshott, Stoke D'Abernon, Cobham and Oxshott


London United

Kingston, Surbiton, Tolworth, West Ewell and Epsom



420: Sutton, Banstead, Tadworth, Reigate, Redhill, Gatwick Airport and Crawley

820: Sutton, Banstead, Lower Kingswood, Reigate and St. Bede's School



460: Epsom, Tadworth, Walton-on-the-Hill, Reigate, Redhill, East 中国P站 Hospital, Whitebushes, Horley, Gatwick Airport and Crawley

480: Epsom, Tattenham Corner and Preston


Transport UK London

Dorking, Mickleham, Leatherhead, Chessington, Hook, Surbiton and Kingston


London United

Epsom, Ewell, West Ewell, Copt Gilders Estate, Chessington and Hook


Reptons Coaches

Guildford, Merrow, West Clandon, West Horsley, East Horsley, Effingham, Bookham, Leatherhead and Woodbridge


Falcon Buses

Epsom, Ashtead, Leatherhead, Fetcham, Bookham, Effingham, West Clandon, Merrow and Guildford Bus Station


Buses 4U (Wheelchair accessible vehicle) Newdigate, Leigh, Dorking

Services 615 to 775

Bus service number and timetable Bus operator Route location


Falcon Buses

Chipstead Valley, Woodmansterne, Banstead, Nork, Epsom



Banstead, Tattenham Corner, Epsom to St Andrew School


Go-Ahead London

Walton on the Hill, Tadworth, Burgh Heath, Tattenham Corner, Langley Vale, Epsom General Hospital to St Andrews School and Therfield School Leatherhead (am only)



Lower Kingswood, Tadworth, Merland Rise, Tattenham Corner, Epsom to St Andrews School and Therfield School (am only)


Buses 4 U (Wheelchair accessible vehicle)

Ashtead to Epsom


Go-Ahead London

Stoneleigh, West Ewell, Epsom and Ashtead to St. Andrews School


Go-Ahead London

Walton-on-the-Hill, Tadworth, Lower Kingswood, Reigate and Dorking

Services 862 to 868

Bus service number Bus operator Route location


Cardinal Buses

Cobham, Stoke D'Abernon, Oxshott and Therfield School



Coulsdon, Chipstead Valley, Woodmansterne and Banstead


Edward Thomas

Worcester Park, Stoneleigh, West Ewell and Epsom (St. Joseph's School)

Mole Valley Demand Responsive Service

Please note: Demand Responsive Transport usually operates door-to-door and is available to anybody in the area served who does not have easy access (because of where they live) to normal bus services.

The Mole Valley Demand Responsive service is provided by Buses4U and must be booked in advance. Intending passengers can phone the booking line on 01883 701270 (lines open 8:30am to 5pm).

For more information on areas covered please contact:

Wasp Community Bus Service

The Wasp Community Bus provides transport for people in the Parishes of Wotton, Abinger and Shere, together with adjoining parishes. The service is managed and manned by unpaid volunteers. For further information on journeys offered/vehicle hire telephone: 07802 460069.

Mole Valley Connect: On Demand Bus Service

The Mole Valley 中国P站 Connect service is a digital on demand bus service, known as a Demand Responsive Transport solution, that is available in Mole Valley (MV1) for everyone. It also serves a number of locations outside of Mole Valley. It is a safe and reliable bus sharing service that will connect you to your local community. The service expanded to the south of Mole Valley in May 2023.

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