Supported independent living
Supported independent living gives you accommodation with support. You can get help with everyday life skills and sometimes personal care.
See Supported independent living.
Extra care housing
Extra care housing is like sheltered housing. You have your own flat and front door. A higher level of personal care is arranged for you.
See Extra care housing.
Shared Lives
Shared Lives (SL) is a longstanding form of care that centres on sharing home, family and community life in supporting people to lead fulfilling and active lives.
See Housing and where you live.
Retirement or sheltered housing
Retirement housing is also called sheltered housing. It gives you a balance of being independent and providing support. Some councils have retirement flats and houses to rent, and sometimes they can be rented privately. It can be flats, houses or bungalows, sometimes with a communal area. Support can include onsite support, emergency alarms and social activities. You usually have to be over 55 or 60 years old.
District and borough councils may be able to help you find retirement housing. Check your local council using the links below.
using your postcode.
You can on the Elderly Accommodation Counsel's website. For general advice from Age UK see .