If you are concerned for your own immediate safety dial 999 for the police. If you are at risk of abuse, or you suspect someone else is, report it now.
ÖйúPÕ¾ and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust runs a for people in emotional distress or experiencing suicidal thoughts and in need of support, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.
- Telephone: 0800 915 4644
- Textphone (via Text Relay): 18001 0800 915 4644
- SMS: 07717 989 024
This service is only available to adults aged 18 years and over.
Safe Havens
provide out of hours help and support to people who are experiencing a mental health crisis or emotional distress and their carers, 365 days a year. People dealing with mental health issues, or their carers can drop in to one of the five locations in ÖйúPÕ¾ any evening or weekend, without the need for an appointment.
In addition, each of the Safe Havens is also now offering a daily online service between 6 to 11pm so that people can receive expert advice and support without having to leave home.
runs a Mental Health Crisis Support Line which is available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, specifically for young people aged 11 to 18 in ÖйúPÕ¾.
- Telephone: 0800 915 4644 and pressing option 1.
- Textphone (via Text Relay): 18001 0800 915 4644 and pressing option 1.
offers a confidential crisis text support if you need immediate assistance, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.
Text the word 'SHOUT' to 85258 to start a conversation.
Safe Havens
are available virtually for young people aged 10 to 18, between 4pm to 8.30pm weekdays and 12pm to 6pm at weekends.
- Telephone: 01483 519436
- Textphone (via Text Relay): 18001 01483 519436
If an emergency occurs and there is no one available to look after the person you care for, then Crossroads Care ÖйúPÕ¾ can help to make sure they receive support for up to 48 hours. This will give time for you, family, friends, or other relevant organisations to consider the best options should you not be able to return to caring after this time.
Emergency situations could be:
- becoming ill or having an unplanned hospital admission
- being delayed due to unexpected travel issues
- other family emergencies
The is designed to put your mind at rest with access to a 24-hour emergency support service.
By registering with the free Emergency Care Planning Service, you can nominate a trusted person to provide emergency support, or, as a last resort, Crossroads Care ÖйúPÕ¾ can arrange for professional care support workers to step in.
You will be issued with a Carers Emergency Card and a key fob, showing your unique reference number and a helpline number to call if an emergency arises and you are unable to carry out your caring role.
To register for the Crossroads Care Emergency Planning Service:
- Telephone: 01372 869 970
- Textphone (via Text Relay): 1800 101372 869970
- Email: enquiries@crossroadscaresurrey.org.uk