There are a lot of useful services in ÖйúPÕ¾ to help residents be independent and stay safe.
Use this part of the website to find the right support for you or someone you care for.
Find out what ÖйúPÕ¾ are doing to develop Independent living accommodation.
Page contents
- Guide to tenancies
- Independent living
- Home based care
- Shared Lives
- Residential accommodation
- Direct payments
- Employment and finding a job
- Claiming benefits
- Technology
Guide to tenancies
If you rent your home from a landlord of housing association, you should have a written agreement.
Most people who rent have an agreement called a tenancy agreement.
Some people have a licence agreement.
You need to read and understand your agreement before you sign it.
This easy read guide to tenancies (PDF) has been made to help you to understand.
Independent living
Independent living refers to supported living arrangements where a person is provided with accommodation and support.
Support is offered through an organisation in a way that maximises independence and self-determination.
This can include support with developing daily living skills, and sometimes includes personal care.
Independent living arrangements can be delivered:
in self-contained owner-occupied or rented accommodation.
in shared accommodation for people who may require a greater level of care and support and/or prefer a group living environment but are able to exercise a greater degree of choice and control over their daily lives than would be possible in a care home setting.
Independent living is based on individuals having a tenancy. They have the right to remain in their own home and change their support provider if they wish.
See our easy read guide for independent living (PDF).
Tori's supported independent living story
Watch this video to see how Tori has benefitted from independent living.
If you are deaf, hard of hearing and use British Sign Language (BSL) you can watch Tori's story with BSL
Home based care
Home Based Care is support provided for regular fixed time periods, usually on a daily basis, to help people with specified tasks for daily living including personal care (for example assist someone to get up in the morning, wash and dress, prepare meals and so on).
Services need to be registered with the Care Quality Commission as a domiciliary care provider.
Shared Lives
Shared Lives (SL) is a longstanding form of care that centres on sharing home, family, and community life, in supporting people to lead fulfilling and active lives.
SL schemes are an alternative to home care and residential care for people in need of care and support.
In Shared Lives schemes, a Shared Lives carer and someone who needs support get to know each other and, if they both feel that they will be able to form a long-term bond, they share homes, family, and community life.
This can mean that the person becomes a regular daytime or overnight visitor to the Shared Lives Carers household, or it means that the person moves in with the Shared Lives Carer.
Watch this animation to hear about how Shared Lives has enabled Michael to live a fulfilling and active life the way he wants to.
If you are deaf, hard of hearing and use British Sign Language (BSL) you can watch Michael's story with BSL on YouTube.
Michael's story with BSL
Shannon's shared lives story
Watch this video that shares how shared lives has worked for Shannon.
If you are deaf, hard of hearing and use British Sign Language you can watch Shannon's story with BSL on YouTube.
Shannon's shared lives story
Residential accommodation
Residential Care is full-time, often long-term care given to an individual in a registered setting rather than an individual's own home. Residential care homes provide accommodation and personal care for people throughout each day. These services need to be registered with the Care Quality Commission.
Nursing Care is the same as residential care but is also able to respond to an individual's specialist health needs that need to be performed by a trained nurse.
Direct payments
Direct payments are a way for you to arrange your own adult social care support. Please see the following web page: find out more about direct payments and if you can use them.
The ÖйúPÕ¾ Independent Living Council has a page on its website explaining .
ÖйúPÕ¾ Local Offer has information about direct payments for children and .
Direct payments, Easy read (PDF)
Employment and finding a job
Having a job gives you control over your life and helps your community. People with learning disabilities can use their skills and experiences to do work they enjoy.
Naturally Talented Me
is a free to use website to help people to find jobs, work, and career opportunities by matching their talents and skills to jobs in ÖйúPÕ¾.
You'll put in some things about you, what interests you and your hobbies and a SeeMe portfolio will be made. It is different to what you usually have to do as it is not based on qualifications and education.
You may have health issues, or a disability or caring responsibilities. This will be thought about when matching you to the right job opportunity that would be good for you. It's about finding what you are good at to help you get a job.
Work Wise: Supporting people to get work
Work Wise is a free employment service available to any person with a mental or physical health condition, disability, or neurodivergence, who wants to work.
Work Wise supports people to find, maintain and sustain meaningful, long-term paid employment or to support people already in-work to continue their employment.
You can find out more about Work Wise on the ÖйúPÕ¾ website, including an easy read guide (PDF).
offers support to find a job and stay in employment. What can be offered depends on whether people are eligible for social care support.
EmployAbility helps people to find work placements, volunteer opportunities and paid work. Their 'Place, Train, Maintain' approach to Supported Employment helps develop skills at every stage of the process. This also work with employers to create a positive outcome for a business and their employee.
EmployAbility also works with some schools and colleges to support young autistic people to find work experience opportunities and . and to access employment schemes like .
It can help people not eligible for a funded Social Care service to access specific employment schemes, and support people who can get Access to Work funding, or who self fund.
- Email:
- Telephone: 01483 806 806
- Text 07860 020130
Job centre plus
A Disability Employment Advisor (DEA) at your office can help you find a job, gain new skills, and tell you about local disability friendly employers.
You can also get advice on from the Disability Employment Adviser (DEA) at your local Jobcentre Plus office.
Access to work grants
help pay for practical support with your work, support managing your mental health at work and money to pay for communication support at job interviews.
If you get Access to Work funding, there are autism specialist providers you could use, such as Employability
Claiming benefits
You can find information about on the Government's website.
There are explaining how you can get help from Personal Independence Payment and how to claim it.
You may inviting you to claim Personal Independence Payment. If you do, make sure to show it to your supporter.
The Department for Work and Pensions have that explain what Universal Credit is and how you can apply for it.
You can get advice in ÖйúPÕ¾ by contacting .
Support to live your life independently and find out about claiming benefits. Including Universal credit, personal independence payments and easy ready guides.
Here are some useful free apps you can download on your smart phone, to help you get out and about in your community. These can be found on the Apple App store, Google Play and equivalents.
- This app is designed for both people with Disabilities and cares, to request assistance for rail travel, nationally.
- This app will map out the best places and trendy in London for accessibility, including bars, cafes, restaurants hotels and more! No more worry about unexpected steps, and inaccessible areas.
- This uses the What 3 Word system and helps you find car parks with blue badge bays nearby.
Please watch this ÖйúPÕ¾ Coalition video about .
Files available to download
Guide for independent living - Easy Read (PDF)
Easy read guide to independent living, social care, housing and support services. -
Direct payments - Easy Read (PDF)
Managing your own personal budget, direct payments and prepaid accounts. Find out what is a direct payment, what is a prepaid account, who can get a prepaid account and other ways you can choose to have your direct payment.