1. Introduction
Adults, Wellbeing and Health Partnerships (AWHP) is a directorate of ÖйúPÕ¾ which includes adult social care. AWHP is committed to the our overarching ambition to help everyone in ÖйúPÕ¾ benefit from all the opportunities on offer in our county, and to ensure that no one is left behind, now, and in the future. We are committed to helping those most in need of support and improving quality of life for everyone.
AWHP supports local people who draw on care and support by promoting independence, personal choice and control. This extends to support to travel, to enable people to be as mobile and independent as possible to help them achieve their personal outcomes and aspirations in their daily lives
This document sets out the policy for the provision of support with travel by AWHP within its powers and duties under the Care Act 2014.
This policy provides a framework and best practice for professionals to implement when supporting people.
See also Adults assisted travel policy easy read (PDF).
2. Purpose
2.1 The policy document sets out how residents are supported by AWHP and how they may be supported to get to a service/activity/occupation that meets their assessed eligible need under the Care Act 2014.
2.2 The policy document aims to inform residents of ÖйúPÕ¾. It will ensure that the residents of ÖйúPÕ¾ who use AWHP services and their carers have access to the policy that is used for decisions made regarding travel.
3. Statutory duties of the local authority
3.1 We have a statutory duty under the Care Act 2014 to meet a person's eligible needs. If attendance at a day service or community activity/occupation meets the individual's assessed eligible need, this does not automatically mean that transport to this service will be included.
3.2 If a person cannot travel to the service/activity/occupation independently or with support from their carer or family member, then we will consider the most appropriate best value option that can support the individual to travel to the service that meets their assessed needs and supports their independence.
4. Legislation and policy context
For further information about any of the legislation mentioned in this section, visit .
The Care Act 2014
The states that the local authority has a duty to prevent, postpone and minimise developing needs for care and support or delay people deteriorating such that they would need ongoing care and support. All assessments must be person-centred and based on promoting independence and overall wellbeing. People should be empowered to be in control of their own services (through personal budgets and direct payments where eligible) and supported by relevant and up to date information and advice that will enable individuals and carers to make the choices that are right for them.
The Act states that, 'Local authorities should consider the adult's ability to get around in the community safely and consider their ability to use such facilities as public transport, shops or recreational facilities when considering the impact on their wellbeing'.
Mental Capacity Act 2005
The (MCA) is designed to protect and empower people who may lack the mental capacity to make their own decisions about their care and support. Every adult has the right to make their own decisions wherever possible.
The Equality Act 2010
The provides protection for people with protected characteristics against all types of discrimination.
Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles Act 2022
This sets out the specific responsibilities taxis and private hire have with respect to disabled customers and ensures they will have reasonable mobility assistance without being charged extra.
ÖйúPÕ¾ Policies
The policies below add further context to the Adult Travel Policy.
- ÖйúPÕ¾ Adult Social Care Vision
- Community vision for ÖйúPÕ¾ in 2030
- Active travel and personal mobility policy
The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is an assessment of the current and future health and social care needs of the population of ÖйúPÕ¾.
5. Scope
5.1 In scope
This affects all adults aged 18 and over who have an assessed eligible need under the Care Act 2014 and require support to travel to the activity that meets their eligible need.
5.2 Not in scope
People who live in or travel to and from residential or nursing homes are not within the scope of this policy.
Health appointments are not within scope of the policy. (For the avoidance of doubt, we shall not fund or pay for any health-related services or therapy services as such services that are funded by the NHS.)People accessing hospital visits may be able to claim a refund of reasonable travel costs under the , or people may be eligible for .
Eligibility for transport assistance for young people within the age group of 18 to 25 with or without an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) to attend an education placement is covered by the post 16 transport policy.
6. The policy
6.1 The Travel Policy aims to promote people's independence, enabling them to connect with their communities and promote an active lifestyle.
6.2 We will support people to learn, or re-learn, the skills to be independent.
6.3 If a person has difficulty in getting to a destination or finding the support to do so, we will help them access the most appropriate travel option available. This includes community transport, public transport, voluntary transport schemes, technology-enabled support and any other travel support that may be available in the local area.
6.4 ÖйúPÕ¾ will fund or arrange transport if it is the only reasonable way of ensuring a person can safely get to the service/activity/occupation that meets their assessed eligible need. If a person can get to a destination themselves or source the support to achieve this, there will be an expectation that they will do so.
6.5 If an individual has been assessed as requiring travel assistance to enable them to travel to a service/activity/occupation that meets their eligible need, short-term travel training, technology-enabled support, a personal assistant, a support worker, support from the individual's family or the voluntary sector will be considered in the first instance.
6.6 Other forms of travel support will be considered if the above is not available or will not enable the person to travel to a service/activity/occupation that meets their eligible need. This could be funded by a direct payment or procured by us.
6.7 There is an expectation that family/carers will pay for any costs incurred to visit the person that is being supported by AWHP and has been placed in a service located in ÖйúPÕ¾ or out of the county of ÖйúPÕ¾.
7. Aims and underpinning principles of the policy
7.1 Be person-centred
Support plans reflect the way that people wish to live their life, pursue their interests, and achieve their aspirations. The client is supported to identify outcomes for the coming 12 months and the support needed to achieve them. If assessment shows that travel assistance is required, the form it takes will reflect the skills and abilities of the individual.
7.2 Promote independence through developing skills and the use of technology-enabled support
Local authorities have a duty to support people to be as independent as possible. People who use AWHP services will be supported to develop skills through various approaches that support an individual's strengths. This may be in the form of travel training or supporting a person to use technology that can support journey planning and travel. See Appendix 1 for definitions.
7.3 Promote choice and control
To broaden the choices available to people that are required to travel to a service that meets their eligible need by ensuring they have the right information at the right time. This information could include details of community transport.
7.4 Support the wellbeing of individuals and their carers
The local authority has a responsibility to promote individuals' and their carers' wellbeing which includes people's ability to have control over their everyday lives. This policy supports wellbeing by ensuring that assessors and decision makers take a strength-based approach when considering travel options.
7.5 Support people to be part of their local community
It is ÖйúPÕ¾'s AWHP vision that people are connected to their local communities. The policy supports this vision with the expectation that people attend services/activities/occupations that meet their needs that are closest to their home.
7.6 Promote ÖйúPÕ¾ values
See Community vision for ÖйúPÕ¾ in 2030.
7.7 Support value for money and better outcomes
We have a duty to protect the public funds it administers, but still ensure the best outcomes for its residents. The aim of the policy is to ensure that people's assessed needs can be met by using the most appropriate best value method of travel for the individual.
7.8 Promote sustainable and green methods of travel
ÖйúPÕ¾ is committed to delivering on a net carbon ambition by 2050 with reduction targets against 2019 levels of 46% by 2025, 67% by 2030, and 80% by 2035. This policy supports this ambition as it ensures that the individual and assessor explore various forms of travel and support methods before a taxi may be considered.
8. Principles behind consideration for travel support
The assessment of need for travel support provision will be an element of someone's care needs assessment, i.e. no service will carry an automatic entitlement to travel support. (See Appendix 1 for definitions of travel support).
8.1 Part of the adult social care needs assessment process will consider what support, if any, is needed. There may be more than one solution or option available and so each journey needs to be considered separately, as part of a person's adult social care support plan. The assessor will complete a travel risk assessment if appropriate.
8.2 If the person has a family member or friend who helps with their care, we will involve them in the assessment and support planning process, and they will be offered a carer's needs assessment.
8.3 If the individual has a Motability vehicle there is an expectation that the Motability vehicle will be used to meet the individual's transport needs. Where this is not possible the reasons behind this will be explored and a decision will be made.
8.4 The use of direct payments will be explored as part of an individual's support planning.
8.5 If transport assistance is provided by us this will be kept under regular review and may be subject to change.
8.6 The time that a person will be expected to travel in a vehicle will be determined on an individual basis.
8.7 If a person has been offered a travel solution, but this has been declined by the individual, we may not pay the individual's preferred choice of transport.
8.8 If eligible the type of transport assistance offered will be that which enables a person to travel safely and is the most cost effective." E.g. shared taxis.
8.9 Transport is a chargeable service, which is subject to a financial assessment. The financial assessment will look at how much, if anything, a person is required to pay and will be carried out in accordance with our Charging policy for Adult Social Care services.
9. Proximity
9.1 We have a duty to ensure best value for money. Where a person is eligible, transport assistance will only be provided to the closest available service that meets their eligible needs.
9.2 In line with our Community Vision for ÖйúPÕ¾ in 2030, and with the Care Act 2014, everyone will be supported to be part of their community; we will therefore offer the closest available service/activity/occupation that meets their eligible need. If the individual chooses a different option that is further away from their home, we may not meet the extra travel cost.
9.3 Depending on the client's location, the closest appropriate service may be in a neighbouring county.
10. Transport for young adults transitioning from children's services
10.1 In supporting younger adults along their pathway to adulthood, determining the best way to support the individual around travel support options and outcomes will be addressed via support planning with an AWHP care practitioner.
10.2 This support planning will consider how best to promote independence and inclusion and not increase the young person's dependence on others. Support planning will not focus on people's deficits but will focus on individuals' strengths (including personal strengths and social/community networks).
10.3 Travel assistance for young people aged 18 to 25 who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is outlined in the post 16 transport policy.
11. Complaints process
It is the aim of AWHP to ensure that all decisions are made within the parameters of the legal policy that we work within. We will always aim to deliver the best possible service, but sometimes things go wrong, or we may fail to meet your expectations. Making a complaint does not mean that you will receive less help from us in future or that your complaint will cause difficulties for you. We can learn a lot from complaints, so we welcome your feedback.
Information about how to complain about Adult Social Care is available online or you can also contact the person or team that delivers the service you wish to complain about.
Appendix 1 Definitions
Travelling My Way
This is a programme that will support an individual to travel independently to the service/activity/occupation that meets their assessed eligible need. This may be walking, buses, trains, cycling (bikeability training) or a combination of these. Learning these skills may also benefit an individual's life and enable them to independently access their local community when they choose to do so.
Technology-enabled care and support
The use of technology to support an individual with journey planning and personal coping methods for distress and anxiety. Depending on the tech. package used, families and carers may also be able to track the individual's journey with their authorisation which can further give assurances to the carer and person receiving adult social care support.
Community transport
This is transport that is provided by district and boroughs and varies across the county. People may be able to use their bus passes.
Further details can be found at Dial-a-ride or by visiting at Connect to Support ÖйúPÕ¾.
Volunteer car schemes
These are transport schemes are run by volunteers in the community and their criteria varies across the county. These can be found on Connect to Support ÖйúPÕ¾.
Direct payments
Direct payments can be used by the individual to source travel or transport themselves using the sum agreed in the persons support plan.
Motability vehicles
An individual who receives the higher rate mobility part of Personal Independent Payment (PIP) /Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Armed Forces Independence Payment (AFIP) or War Pensioners Mobility supplement may choose to join the Motability Scheme. The individual must have 12 months left on their allowance. Individuals can exchange their qualifying mobility allowance for a new car, Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV), scooter or powered wheelchair.
There are 2 levels of the mobility component of PIP:
- lower rate mobility component
- higher rate mobility component
The can be found online.
If a person has been awarded the higher rate mobility component of PIP/DLA or the Armed Forces Independence Payment (AFIP) or War Pensioners Mobility supplement they can choose to have a Motability car or vehicle. The individual must have 12 months left on their allowance and may choose to lease a vehicle, electric scooter or a powered wheelchair.
If an individual/appointee chooses to lease a car through the Motability Scheme, the scheme states that 'your vehicle needs to be used by the disabled customer or for their benefit'.
Taxis are sometimes procured by ÖйúPÕ¾ if a person has been assessed as requiring travel/transport support. Regular taxis can be paid for via a direct payment if this has been agreed on their support plan or procured by us via the ÖйúPÕ¾ Schools Transport Assessment Team (SSTAT). If appropriate and people are travelling to the same location and live near to each other, sharing a taxi may be considered.
Day service transport
Day services may offer transport to their service which could be paid for by adult social care if there is an eligible need.
ÖйúPÕ¾ Connect: On Demand Bus Service
This is a digital on demand bus service that can be booked online known as a
ÖйúPÕ¾ Connect Digital Demand Responsive Transport solution, that is available in ÖйúPÕ¾. It is a safe and reliable bus sharing service that will connect you to your local community. This is available in Mole Valley, Cranleigh, Farnham, Longcross, North & West Guildford and Tandridge.
Appendix 2: Additional information
Bus passes
You may be eligible for a free bus pass if you're a ÖйúPÕ¾ resident with an eligible disability or you are a ÖйúPÕ¾ resident who is 66 or older.
A bus pass can be applied for online or by appointment in any participating ÖйúPÕ¾ library.
Bus passes are valid from 9.30am until 11.30pm Monday to Friday and anytime at the weekend and bank holidays. Some bus companies offer a concessionary rate to bus pass holders before 9:30am; this will have to be checked on the bus providers' website for the most up-to-date information.
If the person requires support to access the bus, you may be eligible for a companion pass. This pass entitles you and your companion to free travel within ÖйúPÕ¾. If you travel outside of ÖйúPÕ¾ your companion may be asked to pay. To qualify for a Companion Permit (identified by a +C on your pass), you will need to provide a letter from either social care services, Sight for ÖйúPÕ¾ or a medical professional involved in your care, stating that you require assistance to travel. Alternatively, please supply a copy of your PIP with 12 points for the "Planning and Following a Journey" activity.
Further information about ÖйúPÕ¾ bus passes is available online.
Alternatively, you can contact ÖйúPÕ¾ as follows:
- Availability: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
- Telephone: 0300 200 1005
- Textphone (via Relay UK): 18001 0300 200 1005
- Text (SMS): 07527 182 861 (for the deaf or hard of hearing)
- British Sign Language: Sign Language Video Relay Service
- Email: freebuspass@surreycc.gov.uk
If you are aged between 18 and 20 you may be eligible for a ÖйúPÕ¾ Link card. This card gives you 50% off the adult fare for any journey starting and ending in ÖйúPÕ¾.
Blue Badge
People who receive PIP and receive 8 points or more in the 'moving around' descriptor or those people who receive 10 PIP points in the 'planning and following a journey' descriptor and the applicant cannot undertake any journey because it would cause overwhelming mental distress are automatically entitled to a Blue Badge. An application will still have to be completed. See information on the Blue Badge scheme, eligibility criteria and how to use your blue badge and includes a video showing how to make your application.
Hidden disabilities
If people have a hidden disability, there are several different cards that are universally recognised by organisations including bus providers that can be used to indicate to the driver that the person has a hidden disability.
Sunflower lanyard
If you have a sensory loss, a physical disability that is not obvious, autism, a learning disability, anxiety or any other mental health condition, you can apply for the .
Arriva Journey Assistance Card
These can be downloaded and printed. The can be used to indicate that a person has a disability and/or what type of disability or can be used to indicate where a person may want to alight the bus.
Helping Hand assistance card
ÖйúPÕ¾ has worked alongside Brighton and Hove Council and other key stakeholders to produce the . The card is helpful for people with hidden disabilities and holds a brief written instruction that can be shown to the driver when boarding the bus.
People can apply for a Helping Hand assistance card online.
Alternatively, you can contact:
- Telephone: 01273 886200
- Textphone (via Relay UK): 18001 01273 886200
- Email: info@buses.co.uk
- Text (SMS): 07583 051915 (for the deaf or hard of hearing)
There are several rail cards available that can enable people to receive a third off eligible journeys. The card is for 1 year and can be renewed annually. To find out what card you are eligible for, more information is available online at . Please note that there may be a charge for the card.
Files available to download
Adults assisted travel policy easy read (PDF)
Easy read version of the policy for the provision of support with travel in ÖйúPÕ¾ and sets out how we support people to be mobile and independent.