
Do an online financial assessment

Guide to getting a financial assessment

Do an online financial assessment

If your social care needs assessment shows you have eligible needs, we will ask you to do a financial assessment. This will help us work out how much you pay for the cost of your care. This is a means test and it will look at things like:

  • savings
  • money you get every week
  • properties that you own
  • money you spend on housing costs and disability related expenses

If you have savings of less than £23,250, we may help to pay for some or all your care.

Documents you need for your financial assessment

You will need to provide information on:

  • benefits, pensions and any other income you receive
  • savings in bank accounts, building societies, ISAs or premium bonds
  • stocks and shares you own
  • property or land you own
  • housing costs (rent, mortgage, Council Tax, water, service charges)

You should also tell us about any disability-related expenses you have.

How to do your financial assessment

You can do your financial assessment online. To start, you will need to create an account. For this, you will need an email address. We will then ask you to tell us about yourself, your income, capital and expenditure.

You have the right to refuse a financial assessment. If you do not want an assessment you will have to pay the full amount for your care.

The care journey: financial assessments

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