
Check your eligibility and do a self-assessment

Guide to getting a financial assessment

Check your eligibility and do a self-assessment

If you think you have care and support needs, the first step to complete a social care needs assessment. This helps us to understand your needs, or those of someone you look after.

We will talk to you and your family or a carer if you wish, to understand:

  • your concerns
  • what you have already tried to improve your independence or wellbeing
  • what might be the next best steps for you

We can also talk about the needs of family members with caring responsibilities. This includes any children in the household.

We will do this by:

  • getting to know you
  • listening to what's important to you
  • understanding what you can do yourself or with support
  • what your ambitions are to have a more fulfilling life

To find out more see Who can get support.

The care journey: care and support assessments

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