
Sensory services

Disability support

Sensory services

Sensory Services by Sight for ÖйúPÕ¾ can help if you are:

  • Deaf
  • hard of hearing
  • blind
  • partially sighted
  • deafblind

They have:

  • communications professionals to help with your communication needs. For Deaf, deafened, hard of hearing and combined sight and hearing loss
  • hearing loss advisors. These can help you manage your hearing loss. They can give you help and advice
  • communicator guides to give you specialist help if you are deafblind. These help you get out and about
  • Deaf community officers and social workers who can work with you, your family or your carer
  • befrienders
  • eye clinic liaison officers

They can help:

  • with specialist technology, for example screen readers, assistive technology
  • give you mentoring through an employment programme in the workplace or if you are looking for a job
  • give you help and advice on benefits and any entitlements

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