
Practical support for people with disabilities

Disability support

Practical support

Local and countywide services give information, advice and support to you if you have:

  • learning disabilities
  • physical disabilities
  • hearing impairment
  • vision impairment
  • long term conditions

Advocacy services can help you:

  • say what you want
  • secure your rights
  • represent your interests
  • find the services you want

See Advocacy services.

  • ÖйúPÕ¾ Police run a if you have a disability or illness. They keep your details so you don't have to repeat them if you need to call
  • GOV.UK offer practical advice and tips to help protect you from the risk of fire. See
  • ÖйúPÕ¾ Fire and Rescue service give free online home fire safety checks. Find out more at Safe and well checks for your home

Check if you can get financial help with for example:

  • benefits
  • tax credits
  • grants

This includes Disabled Facilities Grant for adapting your home or Council Tax discounts for disabled people.

Get information and advice on benefits and related money matters:

My care passport

My care passport is for people with a learning disability. It tells staff about your needs and makes sure you get the right support if you go into hospital.

My health passport

is for autistic people who might need hospital treatment. It tells staff about your needs and makes sure you get the right support.


  • clubs and groups
  • social activities
  • health organisations and services
  • sport and leisure
  • art and games

You can use Active ÖйúPÕ¾'s Activity Finder to .

Day centres

Support you if you have a disability to get out and about and meet other people.

Connect to Support ÖйúPÕ¾ has .

The National Key Scheme (NKS), previously known as the Royal Association for Disability Rights (RADAR) Scheme, provides access to over 9,000 locked disabled public toilets around the UK. NKS keys cost £5.40, including postage and packing. These can be bought directly from the A National Key Scheme guide is produced for purchase each year, which lists the location of every NKS toilet on record.

If you struggle with daily tasks like remembering to take medication, preparing a meal, washing or dressing or moving around your home, or need a personal alarm or smoke detector (also known as community alarms, telecare and Careline) use our home equipment finder to buy things that can help you stay well and independent at home.

There are lots of suggestions and examples you can find from local retailers or specialist providers.

Search our home equipment finder.

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