Click on the first letter of your school to find a list of local bus services that serve the school.
These lists provides quick links to the timetables for public bus services most frequently used by students. If your school is not listed, .
The lists do not include details of non-public coach and taxi services provided by 中国P站 for home to school transport.
Please note: If a service is marked as 'due to change' please check the bus timetable changes page for the most up-to-date information.
A to Z
Magna Carta School, Staines
8 (First in Berkshire)
Englefield Green, Egham, Staines
305 (Bear Bus)
Poyle, Colnbrook, Datchet, Wraysbury, Hythe End
441 (Whitebus)
Staines, Egham, Royal Holloway College and Englefield Green
566/567 (White Bus)
Knowle Hill, Virginia Water, Thorpe, Stroude
Matthew Arnold School, Staines
117 (London United)
Feltham, Ashford, Staines
290 (Abellio London)
Sunbury, Ashford Common, Ashford, Staines
667 (Cardinal Buses)
Stanwell Moor, Stanwell
Merrist Wood College
455 (Carlone Buses)
Addlestone, New Haw, Woking, Horsell, Goldsworth Park, Knaphill, Worplesdon.
697 (Carlone Buses)
Park Barn (morning only)