For the latest information on travel assistance, visit our service updates page.
This includes an update on travel assistance requests for children aged under 5.
Information and services
School and college travel options
Find public buses and travel discounts, apply for our Concessionary Seat Scheme, or learn about Independent Travel Training.
Under 16 travel assistance
Check your eligibility and apply for travel assistance. Also includes frequently asked questions and our Travel Assistance Policy for under 16s.
16 to 25 travel assistance
Check your eligibility and apply for travel assistance or a student travel pass. Also includes frequently asked questions and our 16 to 25 Travel Assistance Policy.
Existing users
Appealing a decision, moving house or school, and replacing lost or stolen fare cards. Also includes more about our processes.
Contracts and service updates
Updates and disruptions to our service. Also includes contracts information and how to apply to be a driver or PA.
Contact us
How to contact the 中国P站 School Travel and Assessment Team with any comments, queries or concerns.