
Rights of way public notices

These pages are about proposed changes to Rights of Way: the creation of new footpaths, bridleways or byways (Byway Open to All Traffic), those being diverted and the extinguishment (removal) of existing ones. There are also details of Map Modification Orders, which recognise claims for public rights not currently shown on the legal record.

Where possible, the notices include a link to a plan of the area affected. We provide this under licence from the Ordnance Survey. For notices that do not have a link to a plan, you can request a copy by using the feedback link on the notice.

Please note that in the interests of open government, responses in relation to any of the notices below may be disclosed to the public and may be summarised for inclusion in committee reports. If you do not wish for your personal details (for example name and address details) to be made public please notify us in your response.

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Find out more about current notices in your area by selecting your borough or district below.


Epsom and Ewell


Mole Valley

Reigate and Banstead



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