
Who's involved when work is complete on a major home adaptation

People involved in a major home adaptation

Who's involved when work is complete

The following people are involved at this step:

  • occupational therapist (OT) or occupational therapist assistant (OTA)
  • your local council's grants officer
  • home improvement agency (HIA)
  • you

Your OT or OTA will:

  • review the work to make sure it meets your needs

Your grants officer or Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) team will:

  • review and sign off the adaptations
  • check the final adaptation meets the OT recommendations
  • work with the builders to fix issues after works have been carried out
  • pay the builder
  • pay the HIA where appropriate

If you have worked with a home improvement agency they will:

  • review and sign off the adaptations.
  • work with the builders to fix issues after works have been carried out

Builders will:

  • tell the DFG team when work has done or is near completion to arrange sign off
  • come back to fix any problems once they have finished the work

You should contact your HIA with any questions in this stage.

See Step 6: Finish the building work.

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