
How to get a wheelchair or walking aid

Equipment and tech to help you at home

Wheelchairs and walking aids

This page looks at the options for getting a wheelchair or walking aid on a short or longer-term basis.

Short-term wheelchair loan

You can find wheelchair loans from:

  • the loan wheelchairs for a fee, on a weekly basis
  • offering equipment loans on Connect to Support ÖйúPÕ¾

ShopMobility UK - mobility scooters and wheelchairs

You can hire out mobility scooters, powerchairs and manual wheelchairs from ShopMobility UK. Loans are for people of any age who have difficulty walking. This could be because you:

  • have a permanent or temporary disability
  • are ill or frail
  • have had an accident or operation

You don't have to be registered disabled. The loans are usually low cost or free. Wheelchairs are for use around a town centre or in a shopping centre. Some centres will let you hire for several days and up to a week.

See .

Longer-term wheelchair loan

Ross Care run the for the NHS. They loan wheelchairs, pressure cushions or postural support, if you meet their criteria. The loans are not for short-term use.


To apply you must:

  • have a long term mobility problem (6 months or more) and always need a wheelchair because you can't walk
  • use the wheelchair more than 4 days a week and 4 hours a day
  • live in ÖйúPÕ¾
  • be registered with a GP in ÖйúPÕ¾

To use this service you will need a referral from a healthcare professional, for example:

  • nurse
  • occupational therapist
  • physiotherapist

For more information see .

Getting your wheelchair repaired or maintained

If you have an NHS wheelchair from Ross Care you can use their .

If you have your own wheelchair, you can find agencies that offer on Connect to Support ÖйúPÕ¾.

Custom made and mobility equipment adaptations

REMAP is a national charity that provides custom-made equipment and adaptations for people with a disability. They make bespoke, custom-made equipment to help you with your mobility.

See to find out more.

Buying wheelchairs or walking aids

If you would prefer to buy a wheelchair or walking aid, you can try:

  • on Connect to Support ÖйúPÕ¾
  • sell or buy second hand equipment at
  • some local pharmacies have walking aids you can buy

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