Page contents
- What is adult social care?
- Paying for care information
- Keeping you safe
- Information for carers
- Your feedback
Below are PDFs of printed leaflets and publications available from Adult Social Care (ASC).
Please contact Adult Social Care for more information on the leaflets and publications or to request an alternative format.
Social care professionals and our partners can order these materials in quantities greater than 10. Please email: Please clearly state the name of the leaflet or publication, the quantity, and your name and address.
What is adult social care?
Paying for care information
- Paying for care - an information guide for people living in ÖйúPÕ¾ (PDF)
- Deferred payments for adult care and support
- Independent financial advice about care arrangements (PDF)
Keeping you safe
If you are at risk of abuse, or you suspect someone else is, you need to report it using our online form:
In an emergency, dial 999 where the immediate safety of an adult is at risk.