If you are not eligible for support from us, you can still contact us for a social care needs assessment. We can explain the full range of services available to you. It may be that we can help you to stay at home rather than choosing residential care.
will help you to understand the options available to you. It also has details of registered:
- local home care providers
- residential care homes
- nursing care homes
You can search for other local support at .
Paying for care for self-funders
You can still ask us to make the arrangements for your non-residential care and support services. This does not always mean it will cost you less but we can enter into a contract to pay the care provider on your behalf. You then pay us for the costs incurred. If we agree to enter into a contract with your care provider, we will charge you:
- £364 arrangement fee
- £140.40 annual charge payable on 1 April each year
- £15.60 weekly administrative charge
The cost of care is expensive. You should contact us for advice if you are getting close to the capital limit. See What to do if your money is running low.
Check to see if you can get . This might include:
- Attendance Allowance
- Personal Independence Payment
- Pension Credit
See .
Sometimes you may get help from the NHS towards paying for your care and support. See Paying for health-related care – NHS continuing care.
A deferred payment scheme that lets homeowners pay for care home fees without selling their home. The scheme is a type of loan that offers you the opportunity to 'defer' paying the full cost until a later date.
To find out more see What happens to my home.
Getting reliable financial advice could help you to plan for your future. We recommend you choose one of the members of the .
For more information see Getting independent financial advice.
You can find out more about planning your money at:
We would encourage you to have early conversations about your future.
Working with Age UK ÖйúPÕ¾, running a series of events across ÖйúPÕ¾ to help you understand:
- the different options available
- the cost of social care
- how to connect to support locally
- how to stay independent and live the lives they want to
To find out more see .
Files available to download
Paying for care - an information guide for people living in ÖйúPÕ¾ (PDF)
This booklet provides information on the different types of care and support services Adult Social Care charge for and what services are free