
Living with dementia

Dementia support

Living with dementia

Dementia can affect all aspects of a person's life, as well as those around them.

If you have been diagnosed with dementia, it's important to remember that:

  • you're still you, even though you have problems with memory, concentration and planning
  • everyone experiences dementia differently
  • focusing on the things you can still do and enjoy will help you to stay positive

With the right help and support when you need it, many people can, and do, live well with dementia for several years.

Dementia is a condition caused by a decline in brain function. Symptoms can include problems with:

  • thinking speed
  • movement
  • comprehension
  • mental sharpness and quickness

There are things you can do to reduce your risk of developing dementia. You can:

For more see .

If you are having regular memory or thinking issues . You should also speak to your GP. They can refer you for a memory assessment. This involves a range of tests to look at:

  • memory
  • how you understand spoken ideas
  • how you understand visual information

Early diagnosis of dementia has many benefits, including:

  • an explanation of your symptoms
  • access to treatment
  • advice and support
  • helping you to

ÖйúPÕ¾ has a specialist unit that looks after people with dementia. See to find out more. Speak to your GP to get a referral to the centre.

Dementia can affect all aspects of your life and those around you. If you have a diagnosis of dementia, remember that:

  • you are you, even if you have problems with memory, attention and planning
  • everyone has a different experience of dementia
  • focusing on the things you can do and enjoy will help you to stay positive

With the right help and support, many people can, and do, live well with dementia.

To find out if you, or someone you know, can get help from us, complete our social care needs assessment. See How to find out if you can get support to find out more.

Find dementia services near you

You can arrange support for yourself. Staying connected to your local community is important. There are specialist services that can support you and help you stay active. has:

You can find information on transport to get to and from those activities:

Help in your home

In the early stages of dementia, most people carry on living at home. As the illness progresses you may need help to look after yourself and your home.

You can find local services that might help at . This includes:

Technology could help too. For more on this:

There are also national organisations that can offer you help and advice.

See Dementia support services.

If coping at home is hard, you may want to move into residential care. Some homes offer dementia specialisms. See:

Depending on your means, you may need to pay for this care.

The later stages of dementia can be challenging. You can find local support at:

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