
Getting to know you - Preparing for adulthood

When you turn 17, the Transition Team will meet with you to talk about what kind of support you might need when you turn 18. This meeting can be held at a time and place that works for you, with people you want to be there./adults/health-conditions-and-disability/adulthood/preparing/getting-to-know-you/""

At the meeting, we'll talk about what kind of help you might need to do things on your own and reach your goals. This could include things like help with daily tasks, going to school or work, or getting out into the community.

We'll write down what we talk about in something called an Adult Social Care Assessment. This will help us see if you're eligible for support from Adult Social Care. If you're not eligible, we'll still give you some helpful information.

We know these meetings can be hard, so we've provided some tools to help you prepare.

We'll also make sure you have someone to help you during the meeting, and we'll update the information as things change.

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