
Continuing healthcare

Some important changes when you turn 18 - continuing healthcare

Turning 18 years old means you're now an adult and can make your own decisions. But it also means some changes in the support you receive.

One change is that you'll need to have an adult social care assessment to see what support you may need. If you have ongoing health needs, you may qualify for continuing healthcare.

Occupational therapy support

Occupational therapists can help if you struggle with important activities. They offer practical support.

They work in various settings and specialisms. If you're 18 to 25 and known to the Transition Team, you can get support from an occupational therapist.


They'll do a specialist assessment focusing on:

  • daily living activities
  • your wellbeing and independence
  • your physical and social environment

The occupational therapist can provide solutions such as:

  • advice
  • practicing different ways to do an activity
  • use of technology
  • provision of equipment or minor adaptations
  • support with moving and handling
  • recommending major structural changes to your home to your local district or borough council.

The occupational therapist will use your adult care assessment and help with the planning process.

They can also link with family, school, social work, health, and other professionals to share assessment information.

Continuing healthcare

If you have ongoing health needs, you may qualify for continuing healthcare. When you turn 16, Children's Social Services will check your health. This is to see if you can get NHS support as an adult./adults/health-conditions-and-disability/adulthood/preparing/continuing-healthcare/""

They'll look at whether you need help with things like:

  • breathing
  • seizures
  • eating and drinking
  • taking medicines
  • moving about
  • memory and thinking

As part of your Adult Social Care Assessment, the Transition Team will review this referral when you turn 18.

Have a look at our continuing healthcare information if you want to learn more.

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