
Early learning and development

Learn with meThe first few years are the most important in your child's learning and development. As a parent or carer you have the biggest influence during this time and there are a number of ways in which you can help with their early development.

Learn with me - child development tips for parents

Get your child off to a great start with our fun activities:

Talk with me

Read with me

Write with me

Write with me leaflets

Count with me

Count with me leaflets

Move with me

Move with me - physical development leaflets

Personal, social and emotional development

Being, Belonging, Becoming leaflets

Supporting speech and language

Visit our Helping your 0 to 5 year olds speech and language web page.

Places to visit

You can also find fun learning activities and things to do in your community by visiting your local Toddler groups.

Helping your child prepare for school

Our Get ready for school booklet gives practical advice and answers many of the questions you may have about preparing your child for primary or infant school. It contains information on:

  • Finding and applying for a school place
  • Things to think about in the weeks before school
  • Childcare
  • Life at school
  • Time for you

You can find further information on when and how to apply for a school place on the school admissions web page.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

In addition to the activities you do with your child the learning experiences they have when being cared for by their childcare provider can really help to shape them and their development.

Early years childcare providers follow the Early Years Foundation Stage, a play based framework for learning for every child from birth to five. Standards under the framework are clear and consistent, with expectations about safety, welfare and learning clearly set out.

The framework allows your child to learn through a range of early learning activities which will be planned to take account of your child's individual needs, interests and stages of development.

National Health Service (NHS) Choices

Further information and ideas to help your child's development from the NHS.

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