When you child reaches 27 months of age they will be invited to a health and development review by your . At this review you can talk to a member of your local health visiting team about your child's progress and ask any questions you might have.
If your child goes to Ofsted registered childcare, their key person will carry out a review as well.
Both reviews are equally important, and families should attend both reviews to ensure that you and your child get the right support at the right time. The reviews focus on different aspects of your child's development and attending both will give your family a really good understanding of how your child is developing.
If either review shows that your child needs more support, your health visiting team and childcare provider will work together, with you, to make sure that happens.
Early Years Foundation Stage Progress Check at age 2
This check will be completed at your early education or childcare provider by your child's key person. You will not have to be there but you will be asked to bring your child's red book to a meeting after the check. If they can, they will complete this check before your child has their health and development review so you share the completed record with your health visiting team at the health and development review.
The review will:
- look at your child's learning and development
- identify their strengths and see if they need extra support in any areas
- make sure that the people looking after your child know about their interests and needs
- suggest ways you can support your child's learning and development at home
Your childcare provider will invite you to a meeting to talk through the review and to give you a written summary document. You will be asked to bring your child's red book (health record) to the meeting. During the meeting your childcare provider will put the written summary into your child's red book so the health visitor can quickly and easily find the information.
Health and development review at age 2
The health and development review at age 2 forms part of the Government's that aims to make sure children are healthy, supported and have access to the services they need. It is an opportunity for you to ask questions and discuss any concerns you may have.
Your NHS provider will send you a letter to arrange your child's . The letter will include two Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2). You will be asked to fill these in with your child before your appointment and take them along on the day. You will also be asked to bring your child's red book to the appointment.
During the appointment a member of your health visiting team will review the questionnaires with you and, if you have one, the summary document given to you by your child's childcare provider. The review also gives you the opportunity to discuss other areas of your child's health like:
- Growth, healthy eating and keeping active
- Managing behaviour and encouraging good sleeping habits
- Dental health
- Keeping your child safe
- Vaccinations
- Hearing and vision
They will also ask your child to carry out some simple exercises. They will use all this information to check that your child is progressing as they should be. If they feel your child needs more support they will help arrange this for you and if necessary contact your childcare provider to talk about the next steps.
What if there are concerns about my child's progress?
If there are emerging concerns regarding your child's development your child's early years key person should work with you to develop a plan to support your child's future learning and development. With your consent, they may also contact your child's health visiting team. This ensures the right support can be put in place for your child and family.
You may also find it helpful to refer to the page.
Contact details
If you do not receive a letter inviting you to your child's health and development review, or if you have any other questions about your child's development contact your health visiting team for advice.
You can find details of your local team and how to contact them on the .
The on 01883 340 922 is available from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) and provides support on all aspects of child health, development and parenting.
Files available to download
One minute guide - Your child’s 2-year integrated review.pdf (PDF)
One minute guide to your child’s 2-year integrated review (27 months)