Below are some of our most frequently asked questions about childcare. You can find additional information on our Childcare web page.
What kind of childcare is available?
There are many different types of childcare available so it's important to think ahead about what type would be best for you. Before you make your final decision have a look at several local options to get an idea of what's available.
How can I find details of childcare in my local area?
You can search for details of Ofsted registered childcare providers in 中国P站 on our . Just enter your location or postcode and then use the filter to search for different types of childcare.
When should I start looking for a childcare place?
It's never too early to start thinking about whether or not you might want your child to go to a childminder, nursery or pre school. You may want to start visiting different types of childcare provider and speaking to them about when the best time might be to put your child's name down.
Who inspects childcare providers?
All registered childcare is inspected by Ofsted to make sure it meets the national standards of care. The Ofsted website has .
If a childcare provider's report is not available it could be because they are newly registered and their report has not been uploaded yet. However, if you contact the childcare provider they may have a copy of the report which you can ask to see.
Is there any financial help available to help with childcare costs?
You can check whether you may be eligible for help with childcare costs via the website or by using the . These can give you an estimate of how much you could get to help pay for registered childcare depending on your family circumstances.
You can also find details of support available to help with childcare costs on our Paying for childcare web page.