Pupil Premium for Previously Looked After Children
Pupil premium is funding to improve education outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in schools in England. Evidence shows that disadvantaged children generally face additional challenges; they often require extra support and help in school in view of their early life experiences. Pupil Premium is available for children who are eligible for free school meals or are service children. Pupil Premium plus is available for Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children (PLAC).
Pupil Premium plus is available for children from Reception to Year 11 in state schools in England, who are adopted or moved to permanence under an SGO (Special Guardianship Order) or CAO (Child Arrangements Order) from England or Wales. Children in independent schools or home education may be eligible if their education is funded by the Local Authority. It is claimed by schools via the October census for all children registered as previously looked after.
For more information on Pupil premium funding, including the amount of funding per academic year, please visit the for current guidance.
For further advice and guidance for Parents and Guardians regarding Pupil Premium please see our
For further advice and guidance for Education settings regarding Pupil Premium please see our
Early Years Pupil Premium Funding
Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is funding from the Government for early years settings. A childcare provider may be able to get extra funding so they can do more to support children. This may be through specialist training for staff or new experiences for the children. The funding is paid directly to childcare providers.
Previously Looked-After children are eligible for the funding if they left Local Authority care on a:
- Adoption Order (now includes adopted from state care abroad)
- Special Guardianship Order (SGO)
- Child Arrangements Order (CAO) (previously Residence pre 2014)
Childcare settings can find further information on accessing EYPP funding online.
Parents and Guardians can find further information on accessing the funding online.