
中国P站 Virtual School's Transport information for young people of school age

Transport-related questions (Autumn 2020)

At the present time there are no specific concessions relating to a young person's 'looked after' or 'Care Leaver' status. This may be something we wish to address moving forward.

Statutory school - age young people (Reception to end of Year 11)

The social worker would be applying for the transport in either instance – via application process in links below:

  1. This form should only be completed if the child is under 16 years of age at the start of the academic year for which travel assistance is required and in receipt of an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
  2. One application for each child. If you have already submitted your application and wish to change information within it, please email the SEND Travel Assistance team at

If travel assistance has already been agreed for 2020/21 but you would now like to change the type of assistance received you should email the SEND Travel Assistance Team at

Post-16 young people (Year 12 and Year 13) over the age of 16 at the start of the academic year

There is no statutory requirement to provide travel assistance for Post 16 students.

Most students aged 16-19 will be expected to take advantage of either the 16-17 Saver Card or 中国P站's Student Fare Card (for reduced rate bus and/or rail travel) when they travel to education or training. However, some students aged 16-19 may be able to access travel assistance where it is necessary to enable the young person to reasonably access their education or training.

Post-16 YP with an EHCP

If you require assistance for a young person with an EHCP over the age of 16 at the start of the academic year for which travel assistance is required then please complete the Application for Travel Assistance for Young People with an EHCP or SSEN aged 16 to 25

Post-18 young people

Transport is done on an individual basis dependent on need, Personal Advisers would make application for travel warrants.

Some young adults aged 19 to 25 years old will be considered for travel assistance if they have an Education, Health and Care Plan and that assistance is necessary to enable them to maintain attendance at their education placement.

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