Please read our information on Personal Education Plans (ePEPS) or download our How to Use Welfare Cal (PDF)
'Mainstream schools must give the highest priority to the admission of a looked-after and previously looked after child.'
'Schools cannot refuse to admit a looked-after-child on the basis of challenging behaviour or refer a child for action under the Fair Access Protocol on this basis.'
which also contains the Protocol for the processing of in year admissions for children in care 2020/21 and the Admissions Code reference 1.7, 3.21.
In year admissions for children in care
Children in care receive top priority for a school place. If an in year admission is needed, a school place will be arranged a place at the school most appropriate to the child's needs, in line with the protocol for the processing of in year admissions for children in care (PDF).
More information can be found on the school admissions policies and reports page.
How to apply for a school place (in or out of county)
Visit the Department of Education website to to the child's placement.
Here you can also find all the information you will need on applying for a school or college place for a looked after child (PDF).
Placing children out of their chronological year group
Please read our latest guidance and policy (PDF) for details.
Children repeating a year
Please take a look at the for further information on this
In year admissions for children in care
Children in care receive top priority for a school place. If an in year admission is needed, a school place will be arrange a place at the school most appropriate to the child's needs,