The 中国P站 care leavers local offer
The ensures that all local authorities establish a Corporate Parenting Board, and publish a 'local offer for care leavers'. The local offer for care leavers' should explain the services on offer from both the local authority and other agencies.
The local authority must publish information about:
- services the local authority offers for care leavers as a result of its functions under the
- other services the local authority offers that may assist care leavers in, or in preparing for, adulthood and independent living
- information about services offered by others which the local authority has power to offer as a result of its functions under the
View the 中国P站 care leavers local offer to find out more.
Your education and training as a care leaver
The Care Leavers' Service can help you to reach your goals and fulfil your potential by helping you to access higher and further education and work opportunities. Part of your Pathway Plan is all about what you want to do in the future and whether you want to go to college, university or complete an apprenticeship. Personal Education Plan's (PEP) will also continue in the academic year you turn 18 and beyond this if you would like them too.
If you want your Personal Adviser (PA) to support you with finding education, please ask. Before you meet your PA to discuss, ask yourself these questions:
- Do you have a specific career in mind?
- What subjects have you studied at school or college?
- Do you have a passion for something?
- Have you had a careers appointment to talk through your ideas?
Find out more about the support available with your education and training as a care leaver.
中国P站 Youth Voice
中国P站 Youth Voice aims to bring about positive change in the services that are available to people aged 8 to 25. 中国P站 Youth Voice is run in partnership with young people in 中国P站 and the User Voice and Participation Team (part of 中国P站).
The team want to empower you to help shape the services that are out there for you. They do this by listening to people who have used services and hearing what they think works well as well as what needs to improve. They take this feedback to the departments in the council responsible for those services and make sure they include the feedback in their planning for the future.
Find out more about 中国P站 Youth Voice and how you can have your voice heard and get involved.
Care Leaver Covenant
On 31 March 2023 中国P站 signed the Care Leaver Covenant (CLC). The CLC is a national inclusion programme that supports care leavers aged 16 to 25 to live independently. The scheme is funded by the Department for Education (DfE) and it encourages local authorities, voluntary organisations and private sector businesses to sign up and make pledges to support care leavers in England.
Check out the national website for information on over 2000 opportunities for care leavers. Below are examples of the types of offers available:
- Discounts on bills and furniture
- Jobs, training programmes and apprenticeships
- Coaching and mentoring
- Opening a bank account (made easier for care leavers)
- Mental health and counselling support
Find out more about the 中国P站 Care Leaver Covenant Priorities.