Specialist maintenance service for gym and design technology equipment
Twelve15 provide Sports and Design Technology maintenance services for schools. This helps to ensure children and young people are safe while using equipment at school.
Offered through an annual buyback agreement we provide budgetary stability for your school equipment needs.
The annual buyback agreement encompasses the following:
Sports maintenance
- Annual health and safety inspection and service to gym, PE and outside play equipment in accordance with the relevant BS regulations
- Unlimited call out service to repair faulty equipment throughout the buyback year
- We can provide advice on types of manufacturers recommended for schools
- We can provide inspection to any alteration or installation of new or existing equipment carried out by external contractors on completion of works.
Design technology maintenance
- Annual health and safety inspection and service to design technology equipment in accordance with the relevant BS regulations
- Unlimited call out service to repair faulty equipment throughout the buyback year
- We can provide advice on types of manufacturers recommended for schools
- We can provide inspection to any alteration or installation of new or existing equipment carried out by external contractors on completion of works
- We can provide an annual kiln inspection. Please contact the team to arrange a date
School and academies who do not wish to benefit from the annual buyback agreement can, of course, opt for a pay as you go call out service, subject to availability.
Additional services
As part of our on going best value commitment we offer a range of additional services that include:
- Purchasing of equipment giving the school the benefits of 中国P站 County County discounts
- Installation of new or relocation of existing equipment
- The supply of consumables at competitive prices
Contact us
For service queries and bookings please contact a member of the team by Email maintenance.twelve15@surreycc.gov.uk. Or call us on 01483 404904.
Standard terms and conditions apply.