
School and parent procedure for allergies and special diets

  1. The school is responsible for the collection and collation of Special Dietary Requirements of any pupil attending the school and wishing to access a school meal. Parent informs the school of special dietary requirement, and the information is recorded by the school representative and for medical diets attached to the child's Care and Treatment Plan (CTP).
  2. The school will pass to the Chef Manager a summary of Special Diet Requirements. The report must contain Information of child's name, year group/class name and detail of dietary requirements. In the case of serveries this information to be given to the Chef Manager at the main kitchen. The Chef Manager to check if special diet involves a severe food allergy that necessitates the provision of a preloaded adrenalin injection in all cases, apart from NUTS. School to arrange a meeting between Parent, Chef Manager and Operations Team Leader (OTL) to agree the appropriate menu.
  3. School to put in place appropriate arrangements to ensure ALL children requiring a Special Diet are correctly identified at the point of service. The preferred method is a Lanyard detailing pupil name, photo, allergies, if EpiPen user and the Special Diet agreed. Other methods such as band, sash, or badge together with the verbal direction of an appointed school representative may be used. For safety reasons, it is not possible to cater for pupils with airborne allergies given the facilities available in school kitchens.
  4. School informs all school representatives who cover lunchtimes of the Special Diets Procedure and includes this information in their induction. A named School Representative to be accountable for the identification of children requiring a Special Diet (Ethical/Religious/ Medical) at the meal service point and liaise as necessary with Twelve15 staff. School to advise the Twelve15 kitchen in writing daily of the Special Diet Pupils in school each day to avoid food waste.
  5. School keeps original of completed/signed Special Diet Request Form/School Summary Form on file, attached to the CTP for Medical Diets, and informs the Chef Manager if/when the child leaves or there is a change in dietary circumstances.
  6. The Chef Manager to retain a copy of Special Diet Form/School Summary Form in dedicated special diet's folder (red). In the case of servery, a copy of the Special Dietary Request Form/ School Summary Form is to be retained in Special Diet Folder in servery school office for access by servery staff.
  7. School to review and sign off information with the Chef Manager on a termly basis. These review meetings to be recorded on the reverse of the Special Diet Request Form/School Summary Form held by the school office and the Chef Manager. This does not preclude the school advising the Chef Manager of any changes as and when they occur.

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