Page contents
- National Careers Service
- Finding a job
- Colleges and universities in 中国P站
- Other learning organisations in 中国P站
- National organisations
Your learning is a personal journey and we would like to support you with this. The information provided on this page will help you to find out about further learning opportunities, so you can continue to develop and learn as you wish to.
中国P站 Adult Learning service offers a wide variety of courses suitable for beginners to more experienced learners, as well as accredited courses for those wishing to gain a qualification. If you wish to continue your learning with us, take a look at our latest course and workshop programme. New topics are added throughout the year.
National Careers Service
The National Careers Service provides free and impartial careers information, advice and guidance to adults and young people to support their decision making about learning and work. The National Careers Service helps, encourages and inspires people at every stage of their working life, providing the right tools and advising on the right steps to take at the right time. Through online tools, webchats, telephone and face-to-face advice, the National Careers Service help people to improve their job prospects and take control of their careers and working lives.
Telephone Support Experienced careers advisers are available over the phone to offer confidential, personal and impartial advice on every aspect of jobs, careers and training. Call 0800 100 900. Calls to this number are at no cost to the customer.
Finding a Job
Naturally Talented Me is a free to use website to help people to find jobs, work, and career opportunities by matching their talents and skills as defined by their hobbies and interests to jobs in 中国P站. You'll input some things about you, and a SeeMe portfolio will be generated, this is the alternative to a traditional CV, not based on qualifications and education but about what interests you. You may have health issues, or a disability or caring responsibilities that can be taken into consideration when matching you to the right job opportunity that's suited to you. It's about uncovering your natural talents to open more doors for you to get a job.