
Apprenticeships adult learning courses

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Apprenticeship standards delivered by SAL

中国P站 Adult Learning (SAL) supports employers in and around 中国P站 with apprenticeship programmes across a range of business subjects, which are designed to meet the individual needs of both the employer and the learner. Following an initial assessment, we will work in partnership with you to create a bespoke training plan for each learner. We can also support employers with the recruitment of apprentices into your business, as well as upskilling new and existing employees aged 16 plus where their development needs will benefit from an apprenticeship programme.


Our apprenticeships are delivered through a mixture of face-to-face and remote delivery, which is carried out in either small groups or on a one to one basis.

All learners are assigned to a fully qualified trainer/assessor who works with them throughout their course to deliver all teaching, learning, assessment and to closely monitor their progress.

Our experienced team of trainers/assessors have worked with a wide range of employers and have vast experience in their industry sector areas.

SAL are committed to providing apprentices and employers with extremely high-quality apprenticeship training. SAL have been awarded a grade 2 'Good' by Ofsted in May 2022.


Apprenticeships are accredited through the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IFATE), with support from City and Guilds (C&G), Northern Council for Further Education (NCFE) and The Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM).

Attendees will be awarded a recognised qualification and/or apprenticeship standard upon successful completion of the programme.

How long is the course?

Apprenticeships typically take between 12 to 24 months to complete, depending on the apprenticeship sector and level.

Off the job training (OTJT)

Apprentices working 30 hours a week or more, must spend a minimum of 6 hours per week on off-the-job training. This must take place during the planned practical period of the apprenticeship (before the gateway meeting takes place).

The off-the-job training must be directly relevant to the apprenticeship knowledge, skills and behaviours (KSB's) and could include the following:

  • the teaching of theory (for example: lectures, role playing, simulation exercises, online learning, webinars)
  • practical training, shadowing, mentoring
  • learning support
  • writing assessments / assignments and completing projects or activities
  • self-study that includes reading or watching videos
  • training in the workplace that is relevant to the apprenticeship
  • 1-1/group training sessions with your SAL trainer/assessor

Functional skills

Functional Skills English and maths are an essential part of every apprenticeship. If the learner has not already achieved a GCSE Grade 4 to 9 or A to C (or other equivalent English and maths qualification), they will need to achieve the Functional Skills Level 2 English and maths qualifications alongside the apprenticeship (exceptions apply).

Progress reviews

The apprentice, their line manager and their trainer/ assessor will meet every 10 to 12 weeks to carry out a progress review meeting. During this meeting we will check and discuss overall progress and any actions agreed at the previous review. We will check off-the-job training that has been carried out and plan future off-the-job training. We will also agree actions for the next review meeting and discuss any change in circumstances that are going to affect the apprenticeship.

Benefits of studying an apprenticeship

  • Gain a nationally recognised qualification/standard
  • Improve knowledge, skills and behaviours
  • Continuing professional development
  • Be more effective and efficient at work
  • Increase confidence
  • Provide support to colleagues and senior staff
  • Professional recognition

Find out more

For employers or prospective learners interested in finding out more about our apprenticeship programmes, please contact SAL's Apprenticeship team by emailing

If you are interested in taking an apprenticeship yourself but you do not currently have an employer, you can find more information at .

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