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Update 27 February 2024
Way forward agreed for walking and cycling route in Burpham
Proposals to improve walking and cycling on the A3100 between Burpham and Guildford, have today been given the go-ahead.
Improvements will take place to and around the Boxgrove Roundabout – a key junction linking the A3, Guildford Town Centre, the Spectrum Leisure Centre and local schools. The junction will be redesigned to modern standards, prioritising pedestrians and cyclists, to help make travelling in the area safer.
Having carefully considered feedback from a three-month public engagement exercise, the council will not be taking forward the proposed further active travel interventions on London Road between Boxgrove Roundabout and York Road. Instead, other improvements including safer crossing points, will be installed at the junction of Nightingale Road and London Road and between Winterhill Way and London Road in Burpham.
More information is available in the .
Update 19 December 2023
The engagement for the Burpham to Guildford active travel scheme has now ended and we would like to thank everyone who took part and visited the drop in sessions.
A summary report is being collated by the consultation institute which will consider both the quantitative and qualitative data we have collated.
This report will be presented along with a report summarising this data for a decision paper which will be presented in February.
We will publish the date of the decision meeting as well as associated papers on this website.
Update 10 November 2023
ÖйúPÕ¾ are aware that a survey is being circulated within the Burpham area asking residents to respond to a set of questions about the Burpham to Guildford Active Travel Scheme.
The council need to stress that this survey has not been created or distributed by ÖйúPÕ¾, indeed it's not clear who has done so.
We would also like to point out that the survey contains a number of statements relating to value for money, accident rates, parking, emissions, junctions, the proposed Dutch Roundabout, and journey times which are either incorrect or misleading. These statements have been made in the past and we have publicly corrected these.
ÖйúPÕ¾ welcome views on the scheme in any form that respondents feel enables them to have their say.
We will of course review all submissions to ensure the source can be verified.
Update 13 October 2023
At the start of the engagement period on 18 September for 8 weeks, we informed you that the modelling information had been unexpectedly delayed.
The modelling report is now available on the . Due to the unavoidable 4 week delay in releasing this information, we are extending the engagement period by 4 weeks to give residents and stakeholders the opportunity to review this information as part of the survey responses. We are also holding 2 further drop-in sessions, details below.
We are grateful to all those who have responded to the survey. If you have already completed the survey, you may add additional comments, which will be amalgamated with your previous survey submission.
The new end date for the engagement is Friday 15 December 2023.
Date | Venue |
Saturday 14 October | Guildford High School from 10am to 2pm |
Wednesday 8 November | Guildford High School from 6.30pm to 9pm |
Saturday 18 November | George Abbot School from 10am to 2pm |
Wednesday 6 December | George Abbot School from 6pm to 8pm |
We will shortly be writing to all residents in the local area inform them of the extension to the engagement period and the additional drop in sessions.
Update 6 October 2023
We have updated information on various sections of the website, including costs and funding, local impact, and safety and security.
Update 3 October 2023
We are aware of reports from some residents that they did not receive our letter for which we apologise. We engaged an external company to deliver the letter, who following spot checks have confirmed the delivery of the letter to all postcodes. We are aware of difficulties with some properties and so we have re-issued the letter via Royal Mail to affected properties and so you should receive your letter shortly.
Due to these issues, we are proposing to extend the engagement period by 2 weeks to accommodate those residents as well as an additional drop in session, which will be announced shortly.
If you are yet to receive your letter, please find a copy on the Files Available to Download page.
Update 29 September 2023
We are aware that some local residents have not received the letter which was recently posted. We have contacted the delivery company who are in the process of rectifying this error.
Update 20 September 2023
The engagement period started on the 18 September.
Please complete our to send us your feedback.
Your views are important to us, and your input would be greatly appreciated.
Update 8 September 2023
During the 8 week engagement period starting on the 18 September, there will be a number of different ways for you to tell us your views on the Active Travel scheme from New Inn Lane to York Road, along the London Road (A3100), including Boxgrove Roundabout.
The 4 drop-in sessions will be held locally, at the following venues:
Date | Venue | Time |
Saturday 23 September | George Abbot School, Woodruff Avenue | 10am to 2pm |
Wednesday 4 October | Burpham Church, New Inn Lane | 6.30pm to 9pm |
Saturday 14 October | Guildford High School, London Road | 10am to 2pm |
Wednesday 8 November | Guildford High School, London Road | 6.30pm to 9pm |
Your views are important to us, and your input would be greatly appreciated.
Update 23 August 2023
The public engagement for London Road Active Travel Scheme will start on the 18 September for an 8-week period.
We have been working with the community, stakeholders and equality groups to develop materials which explain the full Active Travel scheme and to develop a survey to enable us to better understand people's views.
We will be writing a letter to all households and businesses in the area.
The engagement will include 4 in person drop in sessions held locally, further details will be published on this page.
During the engagement period, there will be a number of different ways for you to tell us your views on the Active Travel scheme from New Inn Lane to York Road, along the London Road (A3100), including Boxgrove Roundabout.
There will be no day time road closures or traffic lights proposed, allowing traffic to flow as normal. Full details will be advised as part of the engagement.
Update 31 July 2023
Following on from the stakeholder group meeting held on the 26 July, we are now in the summer holiday period. During this time the development of the full engagement questionnaire based on the themes and prioritisation developed by the Stakeholder group will be finalised.
Our engagement with the whole community will begin in September when everyone who wants to tell us their views on the Active Travel scheme from New Inn Lane to York Road along the A3100, including Boxgrove Roundabout is able to do so, by a variety of methods.
During this 8 week period, information about the scheme will be available via a number of outlets. These include a survey via an interactive website, letters to all households and a series of drop in sessions at local locations within communities.
We will advise dates, times and locations for the drop in sessions nearer the start of the engagement period.
We wish to reiterate again that we are no longer planning a 5 month road closure, instead we do not propose any road closures or traffic lights along the London Road during the day. There will be some night time closures, whilst still allowing access for residents. Further detail will be available as part of the engagement.
Update 21 July 2023
We have continued to hold stakeholder group meetings in July with representatives from the community helping us shape our community engagement which we plan to start in early September running for 8 weeks.
Within the engagement period we will be providing information and a survey via an interactive website, we will be writing to all households in the affected areas and will be holding a series of drop in sessions within the affected communities showing our plans for the scheme, its potential benefits as well as our proposed short term traffic management, as we build the scheme.
We have shared our scheme plans with the stakeholder group and our traffic management plans to understand the best way to share these with the local communities.
We wish to reiterate that we are no longer planning a 5 month road closure and intend to carry out most of the works at night, ensuring that traffic flows freely without road closure or traffic lights as a key principle.
We are also continuing to meet with groups identified through our Equalities Impact Assessment including the local school heads network to understand best ways to involve children and young people in the design and delivery of the scheme and are planning a session with sixth form students from Guildford High and George Abbot schools to understand the lived experience of children and young people moving around the community.
We have held discussions with the ÖйúPÕ¾ Collation of Disabled people as well as ÖйúPÕ¾ Network of older people to gain their views on the scheme to understand their lived experiences. We have similar plans to engage with Carers groups.
We also plan to engage with local businesses with premises located along the corridor.
We have asked stakeholders to help us to develop the questions which will be central to the public engagement process starting in September and we will have a further Stakeholder Reference Group in July dedicated to designing the engagement process.
The next stakeholder group meeting will be held on Wednesday 26 July 2023.
Update 30 June 2023
You said, we did - and what we still plane to do to involve residents
Following the public meeting in January, where the council pledged to undertake further public engagement and involvement, we have;
- Refreshed the stakeholder mapping and analysis and established a Stakeholder Reference Group (SRG) to advise and co-produce public involvement
- Convened two SRG meetings to ensure involvement plans and survey questions are co-produced
- Commissioned a refresh of the Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) to be received by the SRG for review
- Continued to involve our statutory consultees and reported back on their feedback to the SRG
- Undertaken group meetings with the ÖйúPÕ¾ Coalition of Disabled People (SCDP) to understand their lived experience of moving around the community
- Undertaken a group meeting with our Older People Network to understand their lived experience of moving around the community.
Our plans for the future include:
- A meeting with local school heads network to understand best ways to involve children and young people in the design and delivery of the scheme
- A session with sixth form students from Guildford High and George Abbot schools to understand their lived experience of moving around the community
- Finalise involvement plan with the SRG. This to include a start and end date for the public involvement work, dates and venues for public drop-ins the ÖйúPÕ¾ Says involvement platform and finalise questions to be asked of the public and stakeholders
- Agree date and venue for design and delivery co-production workshops during the involvement period.
Update 15 June 2023
The next stakeholder group meeting will be held on Wednesday 21 June 2023. We are working with the group to help advise us on the best way to engage with the community.
Update 20 April 2023
The timeline of our public/stakeholder engagement plan has been amended slightly to allow time for the stakeholders to co-produce an engagement plan and to consider the revised design and proposed delivery. Dates have been amended in the table below.
Update 4 April 2023
Further to the first stakeholder group meeting held on the 29 March, we will be working with the group to reset the engagement with the community to ensure that everyone that wishes to tell us their views is able to. We will be publishing further details about the work of the stakeholder group and the timeline for community engagement in due course.
Update 8 March 2023
Following careful consideration, the Council has decided to extend the consultation on the Burpham scheme to a consultation on the Council's proposals for the full active travel corridor for this area, of which the Burpham scheme is the first of three phases. This reflects the concern that a number of residents have raised about wanting to understand how the Burpham scheme fits into the later phases of this programme, including the proposed Boxgrove Roundabout scheme and the scheme from Boxgrove roundabout to York Road.
We plan to launch this consultation in the early May running for approximately 8 weeks.
In order to shape this consultation, we have previously committed to forming a stakeholder group who represent the community to make sure that we are reaching as much of the community as possible and in a way that residents can engage with effectively. The stakeholder group will consist of key representatives from the community including schools, businesses, local members and others who can offer views on "how" we engage with a diverse community.
They do not replace public consultation, which will allow and invite all members of the community to give their views, but rather they will be asked to advise on best methods to reach the wider public at relevant points in time for any scheme, for example use of drop in sessions, print or digital communications or one to one conversations. The stakeholder group will help us to bring together those that can give us a view from people with protected characteristics, democratically elected representatives, businesses, residents associations, schools, transport operators, Guildford Borough Council and cycling groups who are best placed to represent the community.
Below is a table outlining the timeframe of our public/stakeholder engagement plan
Task | Start date | End date |
Public/stakeholder Involvement planning | Not applicable | Not applicable |
Stakeholder mapping | 13 February 2023 | 10 March 2023 |
Stakeholder analysis | 27 February 2023 | 10 March 2023 |
Burpham to Guildford Sustainable Travel Reference Group - Terms of Reference | 10 March 2023 | 31 March 2023 |
Convene Burpham to Guildford Sustainable Travel Reference Group | 10 March 2023 | 31 March 2023 |
Burpham to Guildford Sustainable Travel - Public/stakeholder Involvement delivery | Not applicable | Not applicable |
Create public facing proposal document/survey | 31 March 2023 | 30 April 2023 |
Deploy proposal document/survey with associated materials | June 2023 | July 2023 |
Deliver 3 public events | June 2023 | July 2023 |
Analyse survey responses | July 2023 | August 2023 |
Design Workshop | June 2023 | July 2023 |
Delivery Workshop | June 2023 | July 2023 |
Update February 2023
We have removed the previous plans as we are working on new designs and traffic management options. Once this has been completed the webpage will be updated.
The consultation and the results are now available to view. Please find this information under the files available to download page.
We are working with the Consultation Institute to map key stakeholders and the broader engagement with residents. We will ensure that all interested communities are able to share their views on the proposed scheme and will share our plans shortly
On Thursday 5 January, we had the opportunity to listen to residents' concerns about the London Road, Burpham, Active Travel Scheme. We also heard the views of those who are in favour.
We plan to further engage with residents and are working with the to build a robust model for how to do this now and in the future.
We will look at design options as well as the construction and delivery of the scheme.
We are building a list of stakeholders to help us shape the consultation. This will help us consider options in a more collaborative way. The list includes the London Road Action Group, residents' associations, disabled groups, business representatives, other community groups as well as cycling groups such as G Bug to ensure we hear from all aspects of the community. We will be consulting with and Guildford Borough Council too. The first meeting will take place before the end of February.
We are planning drop-in sessions and other engagement with residents in March/April.
We will provide regular updates on progress. . Unsubscribe any time by emailing us on the address below. You can also use this email address to send enquiries or feedback
What's happening and why?
What's happening?
- Installing one-way dedicated cycle paths on both sides of London Road
- Upgrading the existing roundabouts to provide safer crossings for cyclists and pedestrians
- Creating new crossing points
- Making improvements to existing junctions
- Upgrading bus stops
Why are we doing this?
We want to ensure our roads are safer and more accessible for children, pedestrians and cyclists travelling around Guildford, for now and in the future.
We are committed to making Guildford a greener place to live by reducing carbon emissions and deliver on our county's net zero ambition by 2050.
What is the case for linking Burpham to Guildford with a sustainable travel route?
Over the last couple of years, we have been working towards our goal of building a network of sustainable travel routes around Guildford for cyclists and pedestrians. Sustainable travel routes are designed to minimise car traffic and promote low impact ways to travel that are less harmful to the environment, such as walking and cycling. Each of the following reports identifies the A3100 as a key route for improvement as part of a wider network:
- (ÖйúPÕ¾, 2015)
- (Guildford Borough Council, 2017)
- (Guildford Borough Council, 2020)
The route from Burpham to Guildford has been prioritised because of current demand and the potential to encourage residents in Burpham and the surrounding area to cycle or walk to key destinations in Guildford.
Our goal is to create sustainable travel links to existing cycle routes along Clay Lane and Ladymead.
Costs and funding
How is the scheme funded?
The scheme is funded by central government through .
What are the costs?
Following the conclusion of the engagement, the County Council will make a decision on if the scheme is to be built or not. If the decision is made to build, we will then talk to our contractor about the method of building and the costs associated. We will make the final costs public.
Why can't the money be spent on repairing potholes instead?
This money is ring-fenced for walking and cycling schemes. It cannot be spent on the maintenance of existing roads. The government wants to encourage more people to choose alternatives to public transport, making healthier habits easier and helping ensure the road, bus and rail networks are ready to respond to future increases in demand.
How long will the work last?
We currently anticipate that each of the three sections will take approximately 20 weeks to construct, but this is an estimation.
Please see: for further detail on the traffic management proposals.
Will the work clash with GCSEs and A Levels?
As part of our further engagement process, we plan to talk to residents and local schools and listen to their concerns about disruption during external exams.
Local impact
How do you propose to build the scheme?
We will keep the road open without closures or traffic lights during the day and propose night closures between 8pm and 5am. We will do this in consultation with affected residents and the approval of Guildford Borough Council Environmental Services
Further details on the traffic management proposals are available on the .
Will late evening shoppers and diners, as well as residents, be permitted access during closures?
We will ensure that residents and those wishing to access businesses during the closures will be afforded access.
What percentage of the "Burpham stretch" is shared track for both pedestrians and cyclists?
Approximately 45% of the Burpham stretch is shared use. This includes the bus stops and signalised crossing points.
How many parking spaces will be removed beside Stoke Park?
We propose to reduce the number of parking spaces beside Stoke Park from the current 57 (in 4 zones) to 48. This equates to a reduction in parking bay length of 45m. The results parking surveys we have undertaken also indicate that there is adequate excess parking spaces available in the immediate vicinity to accommodate any parking displaced from the parking spaces beside Stoke Park.
Not everyone is able to walk or cycle and some people may not want to
We accept that not all residents are in favour of improving walking and cycling facilities. However, we are committed to reducing carbon emissions, improving air quality and most importantly, reducing accidents for pedestrians and cyclists.
Safety and security
What are the design standards used to create the London Road scheme?
We have followed the guidance with Local transport note 1/20 and have ensured that we comply with required standards. We will also undertake safety audits to ensure that the scheme complies with safety standards and best practice.
Is the 1.5metres separation of the Highway Code (for vehicles passing cyclists) applicable to cycle tracks?
While LTN1/20 recommends a minimum 0.5 metres separation between cycle paths and the carriageway in a 30mph urban zone (refer to Table 6-1 on page 54). It also recommends an absolute minimum horizontal separation of zero (0) m and our design meets this standard
Is a Dutch style roundabout safe?
The only other Dutch style roundabout is in Cambridge and although in the media it has been reported that accidents have risen, this does not take into account that usage has increased by almost 50 per cent, equally, pedestrian usage has also risen by about 30 per cent.
What will the width of the road be once the works have finished?
The table below provides the widths we are proposing over the 1.245km length of the Burpham scheme. It shows that we are proposing widths in excess of 6.5m for 71% of the length of the scheme with a minimum carriageway width of 6.3m being proposed for 16% of the scheme length.
Road width | 6.3m | 6.3m to 6.5m | 6.5m | 6.5m to 6.8m |
Length (m) | 205 | 160 | 635 | 245 |
% | 16% | 13% | 51% | 20% |
Road widths for the A3100 London Road, from Boxgrove Roundabout to York Road section.
Road width | 6.3m | 6.3m to 6.5m | 6.5m | 6.5m to 6.8m |
Length (m) | 0 | 0 | 886 | 325 |
% | 0% | 0% | 73% | 27% |
Did you consult the emergency services?
We are in constant communication with the emergency services about proposals for the scheme and to discuss specific concerns. Whenever we apply for a traffic order to close a road, we consult with them as a requirement.
How will emergency services get through traffic at peak times with the proposed carriageway widths?
We have spoken to all the emergency services, and none have raised concerns about getting through traffic.
How many accidents have taken place on this stretch of road?
The tables below show total accidents and casualties over the last ten years. The first table shows data for the entire stretch of road, the second table shows the data excluding the Boxgrove Roundabout and the Woodruff Roundabout. Please note, due to a recording error, this information differs from details shared at the public meeting on Thursday 5 January. We apologise for any misunderstanding this may have caused.
Table to show accidents and casualties on A3100 London Road, Burpham, including the Boxgrove Roundabout and the New Inn Roundabout, from 2012 to 2022 inclusive.
Year | Total accidents | Serious accidents | Total casualties | Serious casualties | Total cyclist accidents | Total cyclist casualties | Total serious cycle accidents |
2012 | 9 | 2 | 12 | 2 | 5 | 5 | 2 |
2013 | 12 | 1 | 15 | 1 | 7 | 7 | 0 |
2014 | 11 | 3 | 18 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 |
2015 | 13 | 2 | 15 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 |
2016 | 7 | 1 | 9 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 1 |
2017 | 12 | 2 | 12 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 1 |
2018 | 6 | 1 | 10 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 0 |
2019 | 4 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 0 |
2020 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2021 | 5 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
2022 | 8 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 0 |
Totals | 88 | 13 | 111 | 13 | 34 | 35 | 6 |
Table to show accidents and casualties on A3100 London Road, Burpham, excluding the Boxgrove Roundabout and the New Inn Roundabout, from 2012 to 2022 inclusive.
Year | Total accidents | Serious accidents | Total casualties | Serious casualties | Total cyclist accidents | Total cyclist casualties | Total serious cyclist accidents |
2012 | 3 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
2013 | 5 | 0 | 8 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 |
2014 | 7 | 2 | 14 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
2015 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2016 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
2017 | 8 | 2 | 8 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 0 |
2018 | 4 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
2019 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 |
2020 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2021 | 3 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
2022 | 4 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 |
Totals | 41 | 7 | 59 | 7 | 13 | 14 | 1 |
Are 'Floating Bus Stops' safe for visually impaired and disabled bus users?
At a Floating Bus Stop, cyclists are channelled behind people waiting for and getting on or off buses. Following feedback, we are reviewing some elements of the design of the scheme. When we have more details about the plan for Floating Bus Stops, we will share them here.
Will there be investment in bike security?
We plan to look at the issue of bike security in Guildford. When we have more details, we will share them here.
Carbon emissions
How will this scheme help towards ÖйúPÕ¾'s target of becoming carbon neutral by 2050?
We are committed to making Guildford a greener place to live by reducing carbon emissions and deliver on our county's net zero ambition by 2050. This scheme will help us achieve our goals by offering more cycling and walking routes so residents can choose low carbon travel and rely less on cars and buses.
Will this scheme result in traffic gridlock and raise carbon emissions?
We aim to minimise disruption to residents and road users with the most effective traffic management plans while work takes place. We are currently reviewing some elements of the design of the scheme and when we have more details, we will share them here.
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You can email your enquiries and feedback to our dedicated email address
View the plans on the . These can be found under the Additional Information heading.
Files available to download
London Road stakeholders minutes 29 March 2023 (PDF)
These are the minutes from the London Road Stakeholders meeting held on the 29 March 2023. -
London Road stakeholders minutes 21 June 2023 (PDF)
These are the minutes from the London Road Stakeholders meeting held on the 21 June 2023. -
London Road Stakeholder Group discussion timeline (PDF)
A timeline showing the development of the engagement discussions of the London Road Stakeholder Group from July to September 2023. -
London Road Stakeholders Minutes 19 July 2023 (PDF)
These minutes are from the London Road, Burpham Stakeholders’ meeting held on the 19 July 2023. -
London Road Stakeholders Minutes 26 July 2023 (PDF)
These are the minutes from the London Road Stakeholders meeting held on the 26 July 2023. -
London Road resident letter September 2023 (PDF)
A copy of the letter which was sent in September 2023 to Burpham residents regarding the London Road Active Travel Scheme -
London Road Stakeholders Minutes 13 September 2023 (PDF)
These minutes are from the London Road Stakeholders meeting held on the 13 September 2023.