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Latest updates
Following the public engagement and consultation on this scheme in May 2022 and January 2023, we will shortly be required to undertake statutory consultations called Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) for certain changes to public roads, such as changes to parking restrictions and speed limits. Please visit this page for an update.
Upcoming works
Construction is expected to proceed in phases and we will provide further details such as the start dates and estimated durations for each of the following locations:
- High Street/Elmgrove Road to Monument Hill/Monument Green junctions – The existing traffic signal-controlled pedestrian crossing on Monument Green will be widened to provide safer crossing for pedestrians.
- Weybridge Road/Balfour Road/Portmore Park Road roundabout and Balfour Road/Church Street roundabout – Zebra crossings will be installed on Portmore Park Road and Balfour Road, and a contraflow cycle lane will be installed on Old Wharf Way. This will provide safer crossings for pedestrians and encourage more cycling.
- Church Street/Minorca Road to Church Street/Baker Street junctions – A wider footway, zebra crossing, new street lights and seating will be installed to provide safer environment for walking and resting.
- 20mph zone – 30mph speed limits on various roads in Weybridge will be reduced to 20mph to encourage lower vehicle speeds and reduce the severity of any collisions.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the construction or ongoing road works, you can report them using our online reporting tool or you can contact our roads and transport service.
Once the construction dates are confirmed, we will update this webpage. We will also be sending letters to nearby residents to notify them of the roadworks, and the details will be shown on the roadworks map.
If you have any queries regarding the scheme or upcoming works, you can contact the project team by emailing
Completed works
The road works at the following locations have been completed:
- Bridge Road/Old Wharf Way junction – new raised table junction and road markings refresh which help improving visibility for pedestrians (December 2024)
- Queens Road at Manby Lodge infant school – new zebra crossing which enables safer crossing for parents and children going to school (August 2024)
- Monument Hill/Baker Street junction – new yellow box road markings which improve traffic flow (May 2024)
Scheme overview
The roads in Weybridge town centre carry a significant amount of vehicular traffic, and consequently, the residents, businesses and visitors often experience traffic congestion when they travel. 中国P站 has recognised a need to tackle traffic congestion by reducing over reliance on short car trips, improving the facilities for walking, cycling and travelling by bus.
A stakeholder reference group including community leaders, community groups and residents was established in July 2021, and together we developed several proposals to improve Weybridge town centre's walking, cycling and bus stop facilities. The public were consulted on these proposals in May 2022 and January 2023. We received over 600 responses and have subsequently revised the proposals following analysis of the consultation feedback.
We have delayed the start of the main high street works because of the major works being undertaken by National Highways at M25 junction 10/A3 Wisley interchange. Weybridge town centre is likely to experience even greater levels of traffic congestion if both sets of works were to take place at the same time.
Frequently asked questions
Why are you making changes to Weybridge town centre?
Weybridge is by far the largest employment centre in Elmbridge. There is an aspiration to invest in Weybridge to ensure it continues to be an attractive town for business, education, and as a place to live.
The town centre has high levels of private vehicle journeys and related congestion within the area. We have recognised a need to improve footway areas, road safety, enhance bus journey time, tackle road traffic congestion, undertake decluttering works and improve the highway environment for all road users across Weybridge town centre.
Weybridge town centre would benefit from active travel, improved public transport accessibility, and efficient network management. In light of the updated government policies around active travel, and our Local Transport Plan LTP4, there is a need to ensure that the Weybridge scheme aligns with our goals regarding climate change and active travel.
We need to make changes to address the issues identified in the area, these include providing a safer environment for motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists, encouraging active travel, improving the public transport experience, and reducing collisions. The improvements will also integrate with the planned hospital and library redevelopments.
How much will the works cost and where is the funding coming from?
The works are estimated to cost 拢5 million, with funding provided by Elmbridge Borough Council and 中国P站.
Which proposals have been revised following the public consultation in 2023?
The following proposals shared during the consultation have been updated in response to consultation feedback:
- Weybridge Road/Balfour Road/Portmore Park Road junction – new zebra crossings will be installed on Portmore Park Road and Balfour Road, close to the mini roundabout. A short section of shared use path will be provided for cyclists travelling between Balfour Road and Old Wharf Way. A contraflow southbound on road cycle lane will be installed on the one-way section of Old Wharf Way. The westbound bus stop on Balfour Road will be relocated further east to accommodate a zebra crossing on Balfour Road.
- Church Street/Minorca Road to Church Street/Baker Street junctions – existing signal-controlled pedestrian crossing on Church Street just west of Churchfield Road will be removed. The new zebra crossing on Church Street has been moved further east than so that it aligns with the pedestrian route between High Street and Churchfield Road car park. The eastbound bus stop opposite to the library will be relocated further east. New seating and planters will be provided within the widened footway section between Churchfield Road and Baker Street.
- Monument Hill/Baker Street junction – existing right-turn lane into Baker Street will be retained and the yellow box marking will change from full-width to half-width (please note that this work has been completed).
- Queens Road at Manby Lodge infant school – new zebra crossing will be installed, and new retaining wall will be constructed to remedy existing footway defects (please note that these works have been completed).
Which proposals will not be progressed following the public consultation in 2023?
We have updated the designs for this scheme based on feedback received from residents during the public consultation. The following proposals shared during the consultation will not be progressed:
- Bridge Road/Old Wharf Way junction – proposed closure of Old Wharf Way to through traffic.
- Weybridge Road/Balfour Road/Portmore Park Road junction – pedestrian and cycle crossings converted to conventional zebra crossings.
- Balfour Road/Church Street roundabout – proposed cycle lane on the A317 Balfour Road eastbound approach to the roundabout.
- Balfour Road/Church Street roundabout – proposed uncontrolled crossings on Church Street and Heath Road in the vicinity of the junction.
- Monument Hill/Monument Green junction – proposed alterations to Monument Hill car park access.
- Elgin Road – proposed closure to through traffic.
Why are you implementing a 20mph zone in Weybridge?
We are planning to introduce a 20mph zone to reduce traffic speeds and create a safer environment for all road users including pedestrians, cyclists and other non-motorised users. This proposal was included in the January 2023 public consultation and it was supported by 58% of respondents.
- 20mph speed limits have been demonstrated, both nationally across the UK and internationally, to have a demonstrable effect on improving road safety for everyone. Slower vehicle speeds give drivers more time to react, reducing the likelihood of collisions. Collisions at 20mph are less severe, with pedestrians having a much higher survival rate compared to collisions at 30mph or higher. These slower vehicle speeds particularly benefit vulnerable groups like children, the elderly and people with disabilities.
- Studies have shown that 20mph schemes helps to encourage active travel, increasing walking and cycling levels by reducing actual and perceived danger from motorised vehicle traffic.
More information about 20mph zones and their benefits can be found on the 20 miles per hour (mph) schemes webpage.
How is the council addressing Heavy Goods Vehicle (HVG) traffic?
There is currently an experimental prohibition of HGVs in Weybridge. If you would like further details or wish to comment on the proposal, please visit the
How will residents be informed of the works?
We will inform residents of upcoming works through letters and advance warning signs. We will also be updating the project webpage to notify residents of any changes.
What will the traffic management be?
Appropriate and safe traffic management measures will be set up to reduce the impact of construction as much as possible. Inevitably there will be some disruption to traffic especially at peak times, but careful consideration will be given to the timing and phasing of works to keep these to a minimum.
How will the work affect businesses and residents?
We will make sure residents and businesses can get to and from their homes or businesses when it is safe to do so to keep disruption to a minimum.
Will it be noisy during works?
Our contractor will try their best to keep the construction noise down and undertake any noisy tasks during the early part of the evenings, if and when night working is required to help reduce disruption during the daytime.
Other ongoing works in or near to Weybridge
- For information about Weybridge health campus, please visit .
- For information about Weybridge library, please visit the Weybridge library webpage.
- For information about National Highways' M25 junction 10 scheme, please visit the