Please call us if you need to tell us about a highways emergency, using text relay if required, as other channels are not monitored outside office hours.
Before you call us
You may find it quicker to report an issue or answer your question using the links below:
- Latest updates on roadworks
- Trees and vegetation
- Footpaths and bridleways issues
- Parking
- Cycling and walking
- Road permits and licences
- Grass cutting
- Utility companies
Please call us if you need to tell us about a highways emergency (24/7).
Please use the forms above to report or enquire about all first time non-urgent highway issues, this will allow us to focus our resources on vulnerable residents and complex enquiries that cannot be made online.
Highway reports and enquiries made online go directly to our highway teams and result in a quicker response.
If you cannot find an appropriate self-service option, are unable to use our online options or would like an update on an existing report or enquiry, please have your reference number to hand where applicable and use our alternative contact details below.
Contact details
- Telephone: 0300 200 1003 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays. Emergencies only at all other times)
- Email: contact.centre@surreycc.gov.uk
- For street lighting, email surrey.lightingservices@milestoneinfra.co.uk
- Textphone (via Text Relay): 18001 0300 200 1003
- SMS: 07860 053 465
- Telephone from overseas: +44 20 8541 9944 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday)
- VRS: Sign Language Video Relay Service
Call charges
Calls to 03 numbers from any network will cost no more than those to 01 and 02 numbers and count as part of any call package. The cost of calls per minute depends on the network. Please check with your provider. BT customers may be able to call 03 numbers for free.
Please note: Calls may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes.
Contact Centre, First Floor, Dakota, De Havilland Drive, Weybridge, 中国P站 KT13 0YP