
Highways Customer Charter

The Highways Customer Charter outlines the standards of service youJason Russell can expect from all of the teams that form 中国P站 Highways.

Like many councils, we are faced with the challenge of maintaining a safe and reliable road network with reduced budgets and increased expectations from our 1.1 million residents. We do this by applying an asset management approach. Simply put, this means we make the right decisions at the right time to deliver the best value for money.

We know that there is more work to do to improve customer satisfaction with the services we deliver and we are dedicated to making these constant improvements.

We listen to all the people who live, work, travel and visit 中国P站 to shape our policies, improve our service, contribute to our vibrant economy and enhance the environment. I very much welcome your comments and feedback.

Lucy Monie (Head of Highways and Transport)

The services 中国P站 Highways provide

中国P站 Highways is responsible for maintaining and improving the roads, pavements and bridges in 中国P站 with the exception of the biggest main roads and private roads. is responsible for the A3, M3, M23 and M25.

Our pledge to you

Regardless of race, religion, age, sex and gender, sexuality or disability, we feel that you should always expect the highest standard of customer service from 中国P站 Highways at all times. We fully comply with the council's customer promise in all our dealings with you.

If you contact us by letter, email, fax or online form about a new issue, we will:

  • provide a full response to you within five working days,
  • or send you an acknowledgement with details of who is dealing with the matter, arrange for a site inspection (if necessary) and provide a full response to you by your preferred method within 15 working days.

If you contact us by telephone about a new issue, we will:

  • aim to answer your call within 20 seconds, and try to resolve your enquiry over the telephone,
  • or pass your enquiry to our specialist Highway team who will arrange for a site inspection (if necessary) and provide a full response to you by your preferred method within 15 working days.

If you contact us by telephone, letter, email or fax to chase up on an existing issue, we will:

  • aim to reply to you within 5 working days
  • if you are chasing up on an enquiry or issue that is still within its original response period, we may let you know that you need to wait still for a response which may be longer than 5 working days (see our table below for our response timescales)

In rare cases we may need to meet with you at the location, if we do, we will:

  • agree a time with you in advance,
  • show you our identity card
  • tell you as soon as possible if we are delayed or have to postpone or cancel a meeting

If we are undertaking roadworks which may affect your access to the road, we will inform you in line with our Customer and Stakeholder Engagement Plan.

Our response timescales

Problem or enquiry Response times
Emergency incidents (for example tree fallen across road) 2 hours to make the location safe. 28 days to carry out a full repair.
Problems with the roads (e.g. pothole, broken manhole cover)

We will inspect within 28 days, or sooner depending on the severity of the report, to determine whether any repair works will take place.

Skips licences 2 working days
Scaffolding, Hoarding, Building materials, Cranes and Mobile Access Machinery licences10 working days (upon receipt of payment and full documentation)
Current roadwork enquiries 5 working days
Road opening licences 30 days (minimum)
Temporary road closures and temporary traffic regulation orders12 weeks notice is required in advance of the desired works date. This is to allow time for the legal order to be advertised, checked and processed.
Attaching items to street lights

Within 28 days, provided that all documents are submitted when requested.

In some cases, it may take up to a maximum of eight weeks to process an application, depending on the size and weight of the proposed attachment.

Insurance claims Acknowledgment within 21 days, and full investigation within 90 days

Filming on the public highway

2 working days' notice will be required for small applications with cast and crew under 5 people;

10 working days' notice will be required for issuing a filming permit;

20 working days' notice will be required for traffic management* requests.

*(Traffic management limits apply, please visit our filming website for details)

All other enquiries and applications 15 working days

Maintaining our roads and pavements

We plan our road and pavement maintenance programmes in advance, and you can be involved in how we plan these programmes by telling us your views through the .

Further information about our road and pavement programmes, including how the Department for Transport contributes to our funding, is available on our 'Maintaining our roads and pavements' page.

中国P站 Highways is a high volume service. We receive by far the highest number of enquiries and reports looking at the total received across the County Council.

中国P站 Highways takes complaints very seriously and we endeavour to use these to identify areas in which we can improve our service to you, the customer.

How to contact 中国P站 Highways

Online form:

Other contact details: Contact us about roads and transport

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