
Get a scaffolding or hoarding licence

Important - the application fee is non-refundable

Please ensure that all requested information and supporting documents are included in your application. If your application is rejected, you will need to resubmit and pay the fee again.

You need a licence if any scaffolding or hoarding you put up is on a public road, pavement or highway.

The cost of a scaffolding licence is 拢194 per 28 day period.

You application will need to include (please also 'Documents you need' further down this page):

  • Confirmation of whether planning permission has been received from the Local Planning Authority for any hoarding.
  • Details of any planning approval to which this application relates.
  • A copy of the hoarding layout plan approved at the planning application stage.
  • The relevant decision notice or discharge of condition approval letter from the Local Planning Authority referencing the approved hoarding plan.

Please apply at least 10 working days before the start date you want to put the scaffolding or hoarding up. If you do not submit all the correct documentation listed below, your application may be delayed or rejected. Any hoarding erected on the highway without having secured the necessary license may lead to enforcement action.

Page contents

Documents you need

  • Copy of your Public Liability Insurance for a minimum of 拢10 million
  • Drawing of the layout of the scaffolding or hoarding structure
  • Other plans or approvals you may need

You will need to submit a simple but accurately labelled drawing of your plan as part of your application.

This is so we can assess how your proposed structure impacts the public roads, paths or highways.

1. An overhead or side view

Showing where the scaffolding or hoarding will be located.

2. Clearly labelled dimensions

These should show:

  • Full width of the scaffolding.
  • An unobstructed footway for pedestrians with a minimum width of 1.2 metres at all times. If this isn't possible, you need to show how an alternative walkway will be provided and managed.
  • Headroom height of at least 2.4 metres inside the scaffolding, for pedestrians to walk through.
  • Width of the pavement or footway the scaffolding will be on.
  • Width of the remaining space on the pavement or footway for pedestrians to use (at least 1.2 metres if pedestrians cannot walk under the scaffolding). If you're not able to give pedestrians a 1.2 metre wide space to use the pavement, you will need to close it.
  • A temporary walkway in the road or signed pedestrian diversion route with ramps and safe crossing points must be shown on a Traffic Management Plan.
  • A 0.5 metre clearance from the edge of the kerb at all times, or details of safety barriers to keep vehicles clear.

3. How lights, signs and street furniture won't be obstructed

If there are any street lights, illuminated signs or public street furniture within 2 metres, you must show how they will not be obstructed.

4. Traffic signs you intend to use

This must be shown on a Traffic Management Plan.

We accept photos of hand drawn plans or files with digital drawings. Below are examples of both types from successful applications.

Some people use Microsoft Word or Google Docs to copy and paste an image of the site and add the dimensions of the scaffolding on their plan.

Hand drawn

Overhead view of proposed scaffolding, hand drawn and clearly labeled

Side view of proposed scaffolding, hand drawn and clearly labeled


Digital drawing of proposed scaffolding, using Google Street view and then overlaying scaffolding drawing with labels

© Google 2024, Img. Captured 2023

Select the images to view larger versions.

Traffic Management Plan

  • Needed if the remaining pavement is less than 1.2 metres and pedestrians need to be redirected.
  • Also needed if the scaffolding is to be placed on the road surface, or if the scaffolding will be closer than 0.5 metres to the road surface.
  • You can get a Traffic Management Plan by contacting a Traffic Management Plan Specialist.

Bus Stop Suspension approval

  • Needed if a bus stop is interrupted.

Parking Suspension

  • Needed if parking bays are interrupted, or if you need to reserve parking bays for scaffolding set up and removal.

Temporary Road Closure approval

  • Needed if there is no safe way for the road to remain open.

Temporary Traffic Signals approval

  • Needed if existing signals are interrupted. Please ask your traffic signal supplier to apply for this.
  • There may be an additional cost if existing traffic signals need to be switched off.

For further information on putting scaffolding on the road, see our terms and conditions.


The cost of a scaffolding licence is 拢194 per 28 day period. The renewal fee is the same.

In some cases, extra charges may apply (see our terms and conditions).

Apply for a scaffolding or hoarding licence

We have an agreement with (for Epsom Market Place only) for scaffolding and hoarding licences to be issued by them.

If you need to make an application in this area, please contact Epsom and Ewell Borough Council.


We process applications within 10 days. Your application may be delayed if you do not pay the appropriate fee and submit all of the required documents.

If you need an emergency scaffolding licence before 10 days due to an unsafe structure or where there is a significant safety risk, please call us.

Queries, concerns or complaints

If you have queries or concerns, please contact us online or by telephone.

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