
Major transport projects

Investing in transport across 中国P站

We are committed to making journeys across the county easier, more predictable and safer. We recognise that a good quality transport network helps our county's economy to be strong, vibrant and successful and ensures 中国P站 remains a great place to live and work.

Our major transport projects, listed on this page, introduce new and improved transport infrastructure that will deliver our 中国P站 Transport Plan (LTP4), and work towards the community vision for 中国P站 in 2030. In addition to these major investments, we also undertake major maintenance projects and localised highway improvements. Sometimes we will authorise developers, district councils and other organisations to make improvements to our highways too.

Major transport projects first go through a planning period where options are developed and assessed. Following this, a business case is prepared that weighs up the costs of the proposal against the benefits it would bring about. Typically we also apply for funding from a number of sources at this stage, including Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and the Department for Transport (DfT). Subject to the successful completion of these steps, the project can then be delivered.

There are opportunities for residents and businesses to have their say at various points through project planning and delivery. This feedback is invaluable and shapes projects so that they deliver for our communities. Once a project has been completed, we monitor what has been built to confirm that the project has had the impact that was expected.

What major schemes are we working on?

Schemes being planned or constructed

Name Type and amount in millions (m)Stage Build estimatedLocation (borough)
A23 Three Arch Road junction improvementsMajor Scheme (To be confirmed)PlanningTo be determinedReigate and Banstead
A30 and Camberley Town Centre Major Scheme (拢5尘) Construction 2018 to 2022中国P站 Heath
A217 Reigate to Horley Safer Roads scheme Road Safety (拢1.1尘) Construction 2018 to 2021Reigate and Banstead
A308 Staines Road WestMajor scheme (拢10尘)Planning and construction 2023 to 2026Spelthorne
A320 North of WokingHousing Infrastructure Fund scheme (拢41.8尘)PlanningStarting 2025Runnymede
Epsom and Banstead Sustainable Transport PackageSustainable Transport Package (拢4.84尘)Planning (no current funding opportunity)To be determinedEpsom and Ewell and Reigate and Banstead
Farnham Infrastructure ProgrammeMajor schemePlanningTo be determinedWaverley
Guildford to Godalming GreenwayMajor schemePlanning and construction2025 to 2027 (for Phase 1)Waverley and Guildford
Guildford Town Centre Transport Package Major scheme (拢9.26尘) Planning and construction 2017 to 2022Guildford
Guildford Quality Bus CorridorsSustainable Transport Package (拢4.5尘)Construction2018 to 2023Guildford
Unlocking GuildfordMajor scheme (拢19.7尘)Construction2019 to 2022Guildford
Victoria Arch and A320 widening (external) (managed by Woking Borough Council)Housing Infrastructure Fund scheme (拢95尘)Planning2019 to 2024Woking
Weybridge roads and infrastructure improvements Major scheme (拢5尘)Planning 2023 to 2024Elmbridge
(managed by Woking Borough Council)Major schemeConstruction2016 to 2022Woking
Woking Sustainable Transport PackageSustainable Transport Package (拢4.4尘)Planning and construction2019 to 2023Woking
Supporting sustainable growth in GuildfordMixture of schemes Planning and constructionFrom 2023 Guildford

Recently completed schemes

A22 ResilienceResilience (拢4.9尘)Tandridge District
A23 ResilienceResilience (拢4.9尘)Reigate and Banstead Borough
A24 ResilienceResilience (拢4.6尘)Mole Valley District
A31 ResilienceResilience (拢3.7尘)Guildford Borough
A30 / A331 The Meadows Gyratory Major Scheme (拢4.15尘)中国P站 Heath Borough
A217 Strategic Management Resilience (拢3.2尘)Reigate and Banstead Borough
A331 Orange Route Scheme Sustainable Transport Package (拢0.75尘)中国P站 Heath Borough
Blackwater Valley Better ConnectivitySustainable Transport Package (拢0.7尘)Blackwater Valley
Brooklands Business Park Accessibility ProjectMajor Scheme (拢2.9尘)Elmbridge
Dorking Transport Package (Phase 1)Sustainable Transport Package (拢0.8尘)Mole Valley District
Egham Sustainable Transport Package Sustainable Transport Package (拢1.8尘)Runnymede Borough
Epsom Plan EMajor Scheme (拢3.4尘)Epsom and Ewell Borough
Greater Redhill Sustainable Transport Package Sustainable Transport Package (拢4.9尘)Reigate and Banstead Borough
Local Sustainable Transport Fund - Redhill and ReigateSustainable Transport Package (拢5尘)Reigate and Banstead Borough
Redhill Balanced NetworkMajor Scheme (拢3.5尘)Reigate and Banstead Borough
Runnymede Roundabout Major Scheme (拢7.2尘)Runnymede Borough
Wider Network Benefits (East)Major Scheme (拢3.75尘)East 中国P站
Wider Staines Sustainable Transport PackageSustainable Transport Package (拢5.0尘)Spelthorne

How are major transport schemes funded?

Funding for the major schemes is expected to come from a number of sources, including developer contributions and government grants.

Government funding for major infrastructure projects is typically devolved to the Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP), of which 中国P站 is a member of two: the LEP in the east and the Enterprise M3 LEP in the west. In partnership with the districts and boroughs, we bid for funding from each of the LEPs for a number of transport schemes. As a result, a significant proportion of the funding for the active major schemes will come from the LEPs' Local Growth Funds.

We have also successfully applied for funding when government departments have invited bids for specific national initiatives - for example, the Department for Transport's Safer Roads Fund and the Department for Communities and Local Government's Housing Infrastructure Fund.

How can I find out more?

As schemes are progressed, we will publish information on these pages. At key points during the planning and delivery of projects, we will also undertake public consultations, which can be found on our roads and transport proposals and consultations pages.

Contact us

You can email the major schemes team at:

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