
A320 North of Woking improvements

Page contents

Construction programme

A programme for construction of the A320 improvements is currently being developed with our contractor, John Graham Construction Ltd. Once finalised the details will be available to view on the . The programme will be continuously reviewed and is subject to change throughout the course of the works.

As the project progresses, additional details concerning location and type of works, both immediate and longer-term, will be uploaded. Additional details will be sent to those residents and businesses particularly impacted by the works, in advance of each phase.

Enabling works

Some initial enabling works need to be undertaken in advance of the main construction, both initial site surveys and general site clearance will be undertaken; additionally during this phase the contractor will mobilise his team and establish the site compound.

This work will start from Monday 24 February 2025, ahead of the main construction starting in mid-March. The dedicated left lane from the A320 Guildford Road onto St Peter's Way eastbound will be closed at 5am on Monday 24 February.

  • From 5am on Tuesday 25 February to 7pm on Friday 28 February the full length of the lefthand lane travelling eastbound between St Peter's Roundabout and M25 J11 will be closed and the lefthand lane travelling westbound will close halfway along the road between J11 and the roundabout. Our contractor, will be working extended hours on St Peter's Way to ensure the works can be completed as quickly as possible.
  • There will also be lane closures on the approaches to the St Peter's Way roundabout in place from Tuesday 25 February through to Tuesday 4 March 2025. These will be off peak from 9.30am to 4pm.

Main construction

The enabling works in February will be followed by phase one of the improvement works themselves from mid-March. We currently expect phase one to be complete late summer 2025. The next phase of works in the autumn will see works commence at the Green Lane/Holloway Hill junction.

Works programme updates and traffic management information for each phase will be shared on our

Scheme overview

中国P站 has been awarded 拢41.8 million by Homes England's Housing Infrastructure Fund to improve the A320.

The works will ensure there is extra capacity on the busy stretch of road between Chertsey and Ottershaw to support delivery of the .

The works will make sure all the junctions and roads work well together to improve traffic flow. There will also be improvements for walkers and cyclists, including new crossing points and wider foot and cycle paths, and improved access to public transport.

What's planned?

There will be roadworks on the A320 between Chertsey and Ottershaw from early 2025 until 2026. Works include:

  • Improvements to traffic lane facilities and full signalisation of St Peters Roundabout
  • Provision of an additional, third traffic lane eastbound on St Peters Way East
  • Provision of a new and improved Ottershaw roundabout with greater circulatory capacity with widened approaches and exits providing additional traffic lanes
  • Improvements to the M25 junction 11 interchange, including full circulatory signalisation and widened northbound and southbound exit slip roads with new dedicated left turn lanes
  • Provision of a new roundabout at the Holloway Hill/ Green Lane junction, with flood reduction initiatives, including the construction of attenuation ponds and shallow swales
  • Provision of shared use footway/cycleways where possible
  • Improvements to Guildford Road, near Salesian School, include installation of a dedicated drop-off layby / bus bays on the east side of Guildford Road along the front of the school
  • Improved lighting for all road users and provision of safe crossing facilities for pedestrians and cyclists throughout the whole scheme

Development and plans

To see technical drawings and more information about the development and plans for the scheme visit the

Frequently asked questions

Co-ordination with other works

Why can't the A320 works be delayed until after National Highways M25 junction 10 works?

In order to progress to construction, both the A320 project and National Highways M25 J10 project, have had to pass through a series of distinct permission stages (such as a Development Consent Order for M25 J10 and land and planning permission for the A320). These differing procurement processes have dictated timescales in reaching the construction phase.

Both projects are funded through central government, National Highways M25 J10 by the Department for Transport and the A320 by Homes England. These projects both need to be delivered within the timescales outlined in the agreement with each government funding organisation. Furthermore, the delivery of the A320 scheme also needs to begin this year to ensure the necessary highway infrastructure improvements are in place to support delivery of the Runnymede 2030 local plan.

Throughout the planning, programming and delivery of these processes, both 中国P站 and National Highways project teams have been and remain in close co-ordination. As a result, the delivery of many major components and associated key road closures of the M25 junction 10 project have been completed ahead of the commencement of the A320 project works. These include:

  • completion of the construction of the junction 10 segregated left turn lanes and two new bridges to enlarge the junction 10 roundabout,
  • the new/realigned Wisley Lane and new Wisley Lane bridge over the A3,
  • the new Cockcrow bridge over the A3,
  • construction of numerous sign gantries over M25 and A3,
  • widening on the A245.

The timely completion of these essential elements of the M25 J10 scheme has helped us to minimise impacts whilst early start up works are now progressing on the A320.

What's happening at Wisley Interchange?

We are aware that National Highways work on the M25 junction 10 project is delayed, and that as a result, work will continue into 2026; nonetheless, it is expected that the fundamental elements of the project which affect drivers on a day-to-day basis are still expected to be completed this summer.

As set out above a number of the major construction components of the M25 project are complete ahead of the A320 project commencing. More information about the M25 J10 scheme can be found on

How are you co-ordinating with National Highways and other roadworks?

We appreciate that National Highways works on the M25/A3 junction have impacted many 中国P站 residents, and that the works on the A320 will also have an impact, including where people need to access the M25. We are in regular communication with National Highways regarding their work at junction 10 and will continue to meet regularly through co-ordinated traffic management and works communications groups to discuss traffic management for the A320 scheme and wider third party works to ensure co-ordination wherever possible.

General questions about the scheme

Why are you proposing changes to the A320?

The A320 North of Woking scheme is a partnership between 中国P站 as the highways authority, Runnymede Borough Council as the planning authority, and Homes England which is funding the work through its Housing Infrastructure Fund.

The scheme aims to increase the capacity of the local road network and improve sustainable transport infrastructure to support delivery of the .

What are the changes you are proposing?

The scheme comprises various road, pavement, public transport and cycle path improvements to junctions and the road along the A320 between Ottershaw and Chertsey.

Why is this necessary?

The local plan recognises that new housing is needed to meet demand, and it's important that the A320 as the key link road between the M25 and communities including Woking, Ottershaw and Chertsey is able to cope with increased numbers of vehicles.

It's also important to improve access to St Peter's Hospital using all modes of transport, but in particular emergency vehicles, as well as the need to support economic growth and to minimise disruption from roadworks.

When will construction start and how long will it last?

Preparation works started in autumn 2022, and included surveys and utility works. The main construction works are due to start in March 2025.

Why is the traffic forecast only until 2030?

The scheme has been designed to accommodate the housing need identified in the Runnymede 2030 Local Plan. The proposed number of homes gave a prediction of motor vehicle numbers. As there is no current plan for housing need after 2030, we are unable to model what that would look like.

How are you protecting trees?

The scheme has been designed to maximise the retention of trees much as possible. We have designed in the retention of veteran trees and most mature trees wherever possible.

It will however be necessary to remove a small number of trees for safety reasons and to meet highway design standards. We will plant replacement new trees of varying size and species along or near to the route on a replacement like for like basis or greater. We also plan to secure additional land nearby for use as wildlife habitat to compensate for any habitat loss due to the scheme.

We have also already planted additional trees and grasses on additional land nearby as part of our Landscape and Ecological Management Plan (LEMP) to help compensate for any loss due to the scheme.

How are you minimising noise and air pollution?

The scheme has been developed to be free flowing which will reduce traffic congestion, reducing pollution as a result. Further assessments to understand the impacts of the scheme regarding noise are being undertaken as the design develops and mitigation measures will be considered if appropriate. The roundabouts at Ottershaw and Green Lane and Holloway Hill will include new landscaping and trees and shrubs to help protect the surrounding area from noise and air pollution.

Walking, cycling and public transport

What types of crossing points are you considering?

We are planning to include controlled crossings, including toucan crossings for pedestrian and cyclists. These are at all points close to significant desire lines where significant numbers of people need to cross a road. We will also provide uncontrolled crossing points where considered appropriate.

What improvements are you considering for pedestrians and cyclists?

We will be seeking to widen local footpaths and crossing points within the scheme area wherever possible. National Cycle Network route 223, a combined footpath and cycleway running alongside the A320, will be upgraded to a four-metre-wide footpath and cycleway running alongside the A320. Where possible pedestrian controlled crossings will be provided at points where this route crosses a road. We're also reviewing bus stop locations to ensure they are fully accessible and close to crossings.

Why is it important to improve pedestrian and cycling facilities?

Transport makes up 46% of 中国P站's carbon emissions, so encouraging people to use cleaner and greener transport will help bring us to our net zero carbon target. Improving walking and cycle routes can help people who cannot drive to travel more independently and safely. Improving the accessibility of footpaths for wheelchair users and providing cycleways suitable for adapted cycles, can help give people with disabilities more travel options.

How will you improve public transport?

Public transport routes will be maintained throughout the scheme. 中国P站 is looking to improve public transport within the scheme and the local area. This includes providing new bus stops and shelters, as well as improved passenger information facilities. Access to bus stops will be improved through localised crossing points and improved foot and cycle paths.


Why has a bypass around Ottershaw not been considered?

There are no plans to build a new road on greenbelt to both the east and west of Ottershaw. Adequate funding is not available to deliver it.

Will the upgraded Ottershaw roundabout split the village in two?

The existing A320 currently affects connectivity in Ottershaw due to two key issues :

  • Firstly, in respect of the large amount of slow moving and congested traffic along the A320. The improvements to the roundabout approaches through the construction of much improved stacking/queuing capacity, together with the increased circulatory capacity of the new roundabout itself will reduce the traffic congestion and aid through-flow particularly at peak times.
  • Secondly, there is currently a lack of suitable pedestrian crossing points across the A320. The proposals will considerably address this issue with new controlled crossing points at key locations which in turn will improve the links of the east and west of the village.

By moving the roundabout to northwards and providing improved crossing points, the proposed design will move traffic away from the village and thus reduce its impact. Appropriate landscaping is proposed which will soften the appearance of the new junction and provide protection from air and noise pollution. We will engage further with Ottershaw residents before finalising the landscape design.

What are the reasons for the size, shape and location of the new Ottershaw roundabout?

The existing Ottershaw Roundabout struggles to cope with peak traffic from the four approach roads and the north bound segregated left turn lane from Chobham Road. The new roundabout is now designed to be as small as it can physically be whilst still dealing with the anticipated future traffic flow.

The roundabout also needs to be able to cope with a large number of Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs), within the constraints of a woodland and local buildings. These include 2 Chobham Road (a grade II listed building), Forge Oak (a locally listed building), Copse Lea Assisted Living Residence, Miller and Carter Steakhouse and Ottershaw Village Hall, as well as a substation, telephone exchange and ambulance station.

What are the plans for landscaping?

It is intended the landscaping will provide minimal screening to the rear of the car park, as well as the roundabout circulatory and connecting roads and junctions while trying to retain the existing character of the area. The plans include provision for the replacement of lost trees where possible. Landscaping plans can be found on the

What traffic calming is proposed?

A raised table has been included for the northern end of Brox Road to calm traffic.

Why are you not increasing capacity of Guildford Road North?

Our analysis has shown that traffic congestion is caused by the junctions. By improving the key junctions, we are improving the overall capacity along this stretch of the A320. This is verified though traffic microsimulation modelling.

Why does Brox Road not lead directly to the new roundabout?

Connecting Brox Road directly into the proposed roundabout will result in a significantly larger roundabout as it would need to accommodate a greater number of links. Furthermore, it was felt that such a direct roundabout link would encourage rat-running.

These factors would result in a roundabout with a significantly larger footprint that will have a greater impact on the village. Options that included a Brox Road connection into the roundabout were considered as part of the feasibility design but were discounted for the reasons above.

A number of alternative designs and suggestions have been offered, why are they not being used?

Unfortunately, the alternative options offered don't comply with the minimum highway design standards and they do not meet the future traffic capacity requirements in terms of growth and traffic movements.

What are the plans for Ottershaw car park?

We will replace the existing car park with a new, larger car park, in the same location. This car park will include a number of planned electric vehicle charging bays; these will be introduced following completion of the car park construction.

Contact us

If you have any questions or comments about these works, please email

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