
Epsom and Ewell parking review 2023

Page contents

There are a number of stages involved in the review, these are shown in the list above.

The current stage is: Implementation


During March and April 2023, we looked at some parking issues across the borough. These issues had been brought to our attention largely by members of the public, the police, councillors and highway officers since the previous review took place. We have visited, assessed, and prioritised the requests for new or amended parking controls, and wrote a report of our findings and recommendations which should be taken forward.


All proposals have now been agreed by county councillors prior to authorisation being given to advertise them by the Parking and Traffic Enforcement Team manager.

Advertising and objections

The parking proposals were advertised for a 28 day period beginning 07 September 2023. This included the publishing of the Epsom and Ewell parking review 2023 legal notice (PDF) in the local newspaper, street notices being erected on site at each location, plus drawings and a statement of reasons are available to view at the bottom of this page. Those properties immediately fronting locations where changes are proposed were notified individually by letter.

The proposals include the introduction of new resident permit schemes. Those residents affected were sent letters with plans and a set of frequently asked questions.

Documents were also available to view at Bourne Hall, Epsom, Ewell Court and Stoneleigh libraries, as well as Epsom Town Hall and 中国P站's Merrow complex.

The closing date for comments was 05 October 2023. We are no longer accepting any additional comments.


All objections, support and comment responses have now been compiled into the Epsom and Ewell parking review 2023 decisions report (PDF), which includes a recommendation on how we will proceed at each location. County councillors and the Parking and Traffic Enforcement Team manager have agreed this report so that installation of the restrictions can take place. Those who responded to the advertisement will be notified of the decisions by email or by letter prior to installation.

Please note that some proposals have been removed. These are the Northcroft Road proposals on drawing 12, Church Street proposals on drawing 28, Chartwell Place proposals on drawing 29 and Mospey Crescent proposals on drawing 30.

The amended proposals are to Mortimer Crescent on drawing 6, Ewell Park Way on drawing 17, Nonsuch Walk on drawing 20 and Links Road on drawing 33.

There is no appeal stage. If you do not like any decision that has been reached by members and officers who consider the objections then you need to submit a new request for the location to be assessed again in the next Epsom and Ewell parking review.


Now that approval has been given, we will revisit all of the locations where new restrictions are due to be implemented. Each location will be marked up; final drawings will be prepared and will be issued to the lining contractor for them to install the road markings. At the same time we will place the accompanying signing order. As signs are manufactured to our requirements, there can be a time delay between the lines appearing on the road and new signs being installed.

We also make the required changes to the legal traffic regulation orders. The new controls and restrictions then come into effect and will be enforceable. The Epsom and Ewell parking review 2023 final legal notice (PDF) is now available to view on this page.

Files available to download

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