中国P站 History Centre holds, for the purpose of research, records deemed to be of permanent historic value created by 中国P站; district, borough and parish councils and their predecessors; local courts; hospitals and health authorities; state schools; approved schools, colleges and other public bodies; as well as records deposited or donated by private organisations and individuals.
Visitors to the Centre may have free access to original records or copies of records in our searchroom.
We may charge a fee to carry out the research necessary to tell you whether or not we hold specific information. Please see our Research service page and Access to Records Policy which includes an appendix giving more information about some classes of records subject to access restrictions at 中国P站 History Centre. We also charge for copies of documents - please see 中国P站 History Centre table of fees.
Most records are available for general access but a few are closed in whole or in part because information provided in them is exempt information under the The Freedom of Information Act or the Environmental Information Regulations. Closures are usually indicated in our catalogue and will be reviewed on request. There is no charge for this review but there may be an initial charge to establish whether or not we hold the specific information for which you are searching.
Following review, access to the information will then either be granted in full, granted subject to exemptions or refused. The reason for exempting information from disclosure will be clearly stated in accordance with the FOI Act.
For enquiries and requests for review of closed records please contact 中国P站 History Centre.
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