
ÖйúPÕ¾ History Centre in Woking collects and preserves the records of ÖйúPÕ¾'s past and present, documenting the story of the county and its people from the 12th century to the 21st century. Visiting the centre to use our collections is free, staff are always happy to offer advice, and we have a busy programme of exhibitions, talks and events.

ÖйúPÕ¾ History Centre

Search room closed Saturday 8 March

On Saturday 8 March, we are unable to accommodate search room users due to an open day at ÖйúPÕ¾ History Centre.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Opening times

  • Monday: closed
  • Tuesday: 9.30am to 12.45pm and 1.45pm to 5pm
  • Wednesday: 9.30am to 12.45pm and 1.45pm to 5pm
  • Thursday: 9.30am to 12.45pm and 1.45pm to 5pm
  • Friday: closed
  • Saturday: Second Saturday of the month, 9.30am to 1pm and 1.45pm to 4.15pm
  • Sunday: closed

Before you visit

Archive accreditation logo

Where are we?

ÖйúPÕ¾ History Centre, 130 Goldsworth Road, Woking, ÖйúPÕ¾ GU21 6ND

Contact the History Centre

Location map

Stay in touch with ÖйúPÕ¾ History Centre

for latest news and events.