
Information on our publication scheme

The publication scheme is a guide to the types of information that the council intends to routinely make available to the public. The Information Commissioner has issued a that 中国P站 has adopted.

The model scheme lists seven broad classes of information. The guide to information below explains how to find this information on our website.

Select a question from the list below to jump to an answer and more information on this page.

How will I request additional information not covered by this scheme?

Any information not available through our publication scheme can be requested by filling out the Freedom of Information request form or by contacting us directly in writing (which includes emails or faxes). The request must tell us your name and a return postal or email address and must explain clearly what information you want. Please provide as full a description as possible of the information you require and make the information as specific as possible. If your request is too broad we may ask you to clarify it which means it will take longer to get the information. Also please be clear about the format you would prefer to receive the information in, for example, by e-mail or as a paper copy.

Send your request to the Freedom of Information Officer.

We keep a record of freedom of information requests and responses in our disclosure log. Your request may have been answered before and you can search the disclosure log online.

Will I be charged for information?

Material which is published and accessed on the website can be downloaded free of charge. Some information may only be available in hard copy and some information will only be available for inspection. Charges may be made for information subject to a legal charging regime. If you are printing out documents from within library branches you will be charged for printing costs. Some documents are produced exclusively for sale (electronic or hard copy), and there may be an additional cost for postage and handling charges. Charges under the publication scheme may be made for actual disbursements such as:

  • Photocopying
  • Printing
  • Postage and packaging
  • The cost directly incurred as a result of viewing information.

Who do I contact?

For information concerning the scheme or if you wish to make a request for other information you can contact:

Freedom of Information Officer
Legal and Democratic Services
Woodhatch Place
11 Cockshot Hill

If you are not satisfied with the council's response to a request for information you may make a complaint to the Freedom of Information Officer. If you are not satisfied with the response, then the Freedom of Information Act 2000 makes provision for you to complain directly to the .

中国P站's guide to information

中国P站's A-Z webpages provide a guide to the information available and there is also a search facility to assist you to find other information that may not be included in the A-Z. Access to the web is available free of charge from most of the county's libraries. If you are unable to get access to the web, please contact us, or write to the Freedom of Information Officer.

The model scheme lists seven broad classes of information. The links provided here give examples of the information available.

1. Who we are and what we do

2. What we spend and how we spend it

3. What our priorities are and how we are doing

  • Internal and external organisation performance reviews - performance information including for example comprehensive performance assessments and inspection reports.
  • Strategies and agreements developed in partnership with other authorities.
  • Economic development
  • - The council's forward plan which details the key decisions that the council is going to take over a four month period.
  • Statistical information produced in accordance with the council's and departmental requirements - for example, see
  • Impact assessments - for example, see equality impact assessments.
  • Service standards - for example, see customer promise.

4. How we make decisions

  • Major policy proposals and decisions - information in the Council's and via committee papers.
  • Facts and analyses of facts considered when framing major policies - information in the council's and via committee papers.
  • - consultation papers or information, any summary of the responses and the outcome of the consultation exercise.
  • Internal communication guidance, criteria used for decision making, internal instructions, manuals and guidelines.

5. Our policies and procedures

6. Lists and registers

Registers and lists we hold as public records.

7. Services provided by the Council

Information on the services the council provides can be found on our website and is structured under the following headings: Learning; People and Community; Social care and health; Environment, housing and planning; Roads and transport; Business and consumers; Recreation, heritage and culture.

The Council's search facility to assist you to find other information.

  • - Press statements and releases.

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