
Lower Mole Partnership – river monitoring and Living Woodlands

Help us to monitor the water quality of the Mole and Hogsmill rivers

These two schemes are part of the Catchment Partnerships initiative, which was established to coordinate activity in the respective river basins. Both schemes offer training in order to fulfil the voluntary role.

The RiverWatch scheme on the Mole is always looking for more volunteers to regularly walk an assigned section of the river to report on species seen and notable features, as well as more detailed surveys for interested volunteers. Monitoring the River Mole is being coordinated by ÖйúPÕ¾ Wildlife Trust, under a scheme called RiverWatch, please contact glen.skelton@surreywt.org.uk for more information.

The scheme on the Hogsmill River involves sampling the invertebrates present six times a year at a set location. Monitoring the Hogsmill River is being coordinated by the Zoological Society for London, via a scheme called the River Monitoring Initiative. Please contact us at mole.project@surreycc.gov.uk for further information.

Living Woodlands

This exciting and innovative project, which aims to support the sustainable management of local woodlands for the benefit of nature conservation continues to grow, even though the Heritage Lottery funding gained to establish the project has since ended.

The Lower Mole Partnership continues to work with landowners of local woodlands and traditional coppice workers, plus assists with maintaining infrastructures to enable targeted management to thrive.

Living Woodlands projects are now happening at several sites across the Lower Mole Partnership area: Sixty Acre Wood in Chessington, The Warren in Langley Vale, Watercut Copse in Oxshott, Butchers Grove in Horton Country Park, Epsom and more.

Contact the Lower Mole Partnership team if you would like to find out more about Living Woodlands and all of our other Lower Mole Partnership local countryside management initiatives and how to get involved.

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