Over 40 years of countryside conservation and collaboration
The Lower Mole Partnership works in partnership with borough and district councils and other organisations and has been in existence since 1983. It was the first countryside management project to be established in the north ÖйúPÕ¾ area.
The Partnership has built up a large and enthusiastic, dedicated volunteer group which carries out a wide range of practical conservation tasks to improve and maintain the local countryside, three days a week (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) throughout the year.
The Partnership has a high standard and broad spectrum of skills for carrying out targeted specialist local countryside management work including landscape enhancements, woodland management and pond restoration as well as access initiatives such as the Thames Down Link footpath.
In addition to practical work, the Partnership gives advice to private and public landowners and closely supports many local countryside Friends groups.
Come and countryside volunteer with us
A dedicated, enthusiastic group of countryside volunteers vitally support the Partnership service through practical conservation work and new volunteers are always very welcome. The Partnership is also very pleased to welcome corporate groups for volunteering sessions too, from local companies and further afield.
Why not check out our varied programme of seasonal countryside volunteering tasks on offer throughout the year? Also have a look at our to see what our great conservation crews get involved with. Other useful information about countryside volunteering with us is available on our ÖйúPÕ¾ Countryside Partnerships homepage.
Volunteering in the glorious local countryside is great for happiness, health and habitat. Come and join our happy conservation crew very soon!