How to report a problem
All bridges on public rights of way should be safe to use. If you come across a bridge or footbridge that is damaged and poses a safety risk, please report it to us via our report a problem form. Bridges are marked on our reporting map so you can select the one you are reporting, and you can also upload a photo of the issue.
Who is responsible?
Most, but not all bridges on public rights of way, are owned by us, 中国P站. However, regardless of ownership, we have a duty of care to ensure that all bridges on the network are in a safe condition. Generally, we maintain bridges over natural watercourses. Privately owned bridges usually carry a higher private vehicular right, for example, private drives and access tracks. Larger bridges over man-made obstacles such as railway lines, trunk roads or motorways are usually the responsibility of a third party such as Network Rail or National Highways. More information on these can be found on our Bridges and structures page.
For Landowners
Regardless of ownership, before carrying out any work to a bridge that either carries a public right of way, or passes over or under one, you will need to consult fully with the Countryside Access Team via the report a problem form or our contact centre. You may also need Environment Agency approval or Planning Permission. You can check the requirements with your District or Borough Council.
When carrying out previously approved works you should not endanger users, or temporarily close a public right of way. If you require a Temporary closure this can be administered by the Countryside Access Team.
You will also need our permission as the Highway Authority if you need to dig any new ditches or widen existing ones where they may affect a public right of way. You will need to provide and maintain any new crossing, which must have been agreed previously with us.
What happens next?
Any report of an unsafe bridge on a public right of way will be passed directly to the Countryside Access Team for appropriate action. Bridges on Town Paths, or large complex bridges will be forwarded to our colleagues in the Highways Structures Team for attention. If work is necessary on other bridges we own and it is our responsibility, we will issue an instruction for work to be carried out on a priority basis and in the most cost-effective way. In some instances, it may be necessary to temporarily close a bridge if it cannot be made safe or repaired promptly. If it is the responsibility of the landowner then we will contact them as soon as possible.
Use our online form if you need to report a problem. You can also use the form make an enquiry about a rights of way issue.