
The Disabled Facilities Grant

If you or someone living in your home is disabled, you may qualify for a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) towards the cost of providing adaptations to help you continue to live there.

To apply you must:

  • be carrying out work in your main or only home
  • intend to carry on living in that home for at least 5 years. This period can be shorter, for example if you're terminally ill

To find out more about what happens when you apply for a DFG, see Step 2: Funding your adaptation.

Who deals with the DFG

Your local district or borough council deals with the DFG. Some councils use a contracted home improvement agency (HIA) service. The HIA will charge a fee for their service. You can use your grant to help pay their fees.

How much you can apply for

DFGs are means tested government grants. Grants can be for up to £30,000, but are usually less. If your works cost more, you'll need to find money to make up the difference. In some areas district or borough councils might be able to help. Where they can't, you will usually need to look for other funding.

See other funding sources.

Your occupational therapist (OT) will recommend the necessary and suitable solutions to meet your needs. You should bear in mind that a DFG funds the most cost-effective option that meets your needs. It will not fund a more expensive option.

How much you get usually depends on your:

  • household income and capital
  • assessed needs
  • the cost of your work

Note: the means test, the assessment of your finances, does not consider your outgoings. Some district or borough councils will not carry out means tests for certain adaptations. You can ask your case worker about this.

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