
Funding your adaptation

Major home adaptations step-by-step guide

Step 2: Funding your adaptation

This step takes 1 to 4 weeks to complete.

What happens in this step?

This step will look to see if you can get financial help towards your major adaptation through a Disability Facilities Grant (DFG).

After you sign and return your Occupational Therapy Major Adaptation Report (OTMAR), your occupational therapist (OT) will send the report to your adaptations team.

Your case worker will call you to introduce themselves. They will also tell you about the next steps in the process. If they can't reach you by telephone, they will write to you.

They will try to arrange a visit to:

  • meet you to tell you more about the steps in the major adaptation process
  • go over the OT recommendations. You'll review your signed copy of the OTMAR which you returned in Step 1
  • discuss your financial situation and housing situation
  • bring any paperwork you need to sign

If you have decided to manage the adaptation yourself, your case worker will tell you what this means for you.

They may complete an Initial Test of Resources (ITOR). The ITOR will show if you are likely to be eligible for a DFG. It will also show if you may need to pay towards the costs of the adaptation.

Your case worker will then upload all your supporting evidence to a secure database.

For more information on the DFG see Disabled Facility Grant.

During this stage in the process Your case worker may ask you to sign these forms:

  • grant application form
  • consent document which lets your district or borough council check your benefits
  • tenants or owners' certificate

If you are using an Housing Improvement Agency (HIA) agreement you will need to fill out a consent form. This shows that you are happy for the HIA to act on your behalf. It will also explain the HIA fees. You can add the fees to the DFG amount if you pass the Formal Test of Resources (FTOR).

If you filled out an Initial Test of Resources (ITOR) and it shows you need to pay towards the cost, you may get a letter to tell you how much you need to pay. Your case worker may also tell you of any other funding options which could help you. In some areas, you will need to reply to this letter within a certain time. If you don't, your case worker may call you to ask if you want to cancel your adaptations. If they can't contact you after several tries, they may send you a letter to tell you that they will close the case.

If you live in a Housing Association (HA) property, your case worker may ask your HA for funding support. Sometimes the HA takes a long time to respond.

If you live in a rented property, either private or a HA, your case worker will speak to your landlord. They will ask for consent to the proposed adaptation.

Sometimes the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) amount you get does not cover the full cost of the recommended adaptation. In this case you may be asked to pay towards the cost. Your case worker may look at other funding options if you can't afford to pay. This can cause a delay in the process.

In some areas, if the adaptation is straight forward, your case worker may complete a survey sheet with measurements. They may also take photos of the areas which will be adapted. This could make the adaptation process quicker.

You also need to know what local Warranty Agreements are in place. The usual warranties on any of the installations and items apply. In some areas the DFG may fund extended warranties. However, you own the installed equipment or adaptation once it is complete. When the warranty period runs out, you are responsible for any maintenance or repairs. We discuss this in more detail in Step 6: Finish the building work.

Case workers have said that the following things can cause delays at this stage:

  • not being able to get in touch with people and their families
  • not returning paperwork or evidence of benefits entitlement and so on

To avoid these delays, make sure to answer calls and send your paperwork back as soon as you can.

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