
Looking after family or friends

If you look after a family member, a partner, or friends in need of help because they are ill, frail, struggle with mental health or substance abuse, or have a disability, then you are considered to be a carer. The care you provide is unpaid. If your child has an additional need or disability and requires extra support, you are a .

If you are at risk of abuse or neglect, or you suspect someone else is, report it now.

Information and services

Looking after yourself

Information about support for carers in ÖйúPÕ¾, including drop in hubs, taking a break, applying for a Carers Card and online support

Assessing your needs

Carers assessment guidance for carers, parent carers and young carers in ÖйúPÕ¾

Crisis support for carers

Information for carers in crisis including reporting abuse, crisis support like helplines and safe havens, and carer emergency planning

Carer's hospital discharge guide

Our online leaflet explaining the hospital discharge process and the support available for carers

Concerned about memory loss?

Advice for living with or caring for someone with dementia, including dementia support services

Staying independent

Equipment and technology to help you stay independent, including wheelchairs and personal care alarms

Other services you might be interested in

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