
Appeals, returns and other Blue Badge enquiries

Disabled parking - Blue Badge

Appeals, returns and other enquiries

Return a Blue Badge

If it has expired

Letters from the Department for Transport may ask you to return your badge.

However, if your expired badge was issued by us, there is no need to do this.

Instead, please cut up your badge and dispose of it.

If it is still in date

Please post the badge to our address, along with a note explaining why it's being returned.

Change your details

If any of your details change, contact us to let us know. These include your:

  • name
  • address – if this is no longer in 中国P站, your badge will remain valid until its expiry.
  • email or contact details


If your application was not successful, you can ask for a review.

You should only do this if:

  • you have further evidence to submit
  • your mobility problems have become more serious
  • there are relevant facts not available to us in your original application

Organisational badges

Organisations can apply for an organisational badge (online only) in the same way as individuals.

Your organisation may be eligible if it both:

  • cares for or assists people who need a Blue Badge
  • transports people who need a Blue Badge (for example, a residential care home)

To apply, your organisation will also need:

  • a website
  • an email address

You must make sure any Blue Badges in your care are kept safe and secure when not in use.

Other queries

If you need to contact us, please provide your:

  • name
  • address
  • Blue Badge reference number (if appropriate)

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