
Events and activities at Warlingham Community Library

Page contents

Special events

There are currently no special events planned at this library.

Rhymetime and storytime

Pebble rhymetime

Every Friday, from 11.15am to 11.45am.

Pre-booking is not required. Please note as our library is small, places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Find out more about rhymetime in 中国P站 libraries.


There are currently no storytime sessions at this library.

Find out more about storytime in 中国P站 libraries.

Reading groups

Warlingham Library Reading Group

Last Tuesday of the month at 5pm.

New members welcome.

Find out more about reading groups in 中国P站 libraries.

Other events

Knit & Natter

Every Tuesday from 10.30am to 1pm.

Stay for a short while or the whole session. Beginners welcome. Booking not required however as space is limited we are operating on a first come first served basis

Computer support sessions

Walk-in session

Every other Thursday from 10am until 12 noon

For help with everyday use of mobile phones, tablets or laptops. For example, installing apps or downloading email attachments. Please ask our volunteers if you would like some help.

Please see our Digital support volunteer page for more information and to find out which libraries currently offer a Digital support volunteer service.

Lego club

A twice monthly session for children aged 5 to 11 years old (parent supervision required).

Saturdays from 1.45pm until 3pm on the following dates:

  • 15 March
  • 29 March
  • 12 April
  • 26 April

Places fill up fast so booking is essential. Tickets cost 拢1.50 each and can be booked in the library or via email at

Follow us on the to receive the latest information about these sessions.

Poetry sessions

Poetry sessions take place monthly. Check for the latest information on these sessions.

Places are limited so please book in the library or via email at:

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