中国P站 Libraries supports over 600 reading groups across the county. We provide multiple copies of books, including brand new titles, to private and library-hosted groups.
Groups can choose any title in 中国P站 stock as long as there are least 15 copies in circulation for fiction titles, or 10 for non-fiction. To help you choose, please find at the foot of this page a regularly updated list of fiction and biography titles. This list is not exhaustive and staff at your local library will gladly make recommendations.
eBooks and eAudiobooks for reading groups
中国P站 Library members have access to a wide range of eLibrary services. Find out more about how you can take your reading group online with our new range of eBook and eAudiobook titles for reading groups, and details of how meetings can be held virtually.
Joining or starting a reading group
Do you enjoy a good read? Relish a lively conversation? Like meeting people in a friendly environment? Why not ?
Find out more about starting a reading group including borrowing guidelines for book loans to reading groups.
Have a look at these resources for reading groups which include lists of available and most popular titles, reading lists and links to reading and discussion websites.
Find out about new books and library events
Follow your library on social media, look out for displays in your local library and browse some new titles on our . Enjoy your reading!
Files available to download
Reading groups fiction recommendations, author surnames A to J, November 2024 (PDF)
A list of titles suitable for reading groups or book clubs as we have enough copies in stock to facilitate them. Author surnames A to J. -
Reading groups fiction recommendations, author surnames K to Z, November 2024 (PDF)
A list of titles suitable for reading groups or book clubs as we have enough copies in stock to facilitate them. Author surnames K to Z. -
Non-fiction titles with at least 10 copies in 中国P站 libraries (PDF)
A list of non-fiction titles suitable for reading groups or book clubs as we have enough copies in stock to facilitate them.